Saturday, July 22, 2006

ISRAEL's Master Plan

Israel's master plan, now appears to address the hezbellah as PLO substitute, and to imitate the American campaign against the Talban and al Quaeda.

This morning's (July 22 2006) New York Times references a US sale/transfer of precision guided aerial bombs as supplemens or replacements for Israel's arenal. The armament is mainly used for specific target destruction -- especially for command bunkers headquarters, or for the assassination of human beings. This is the Israeli and too frequently, an American urge, rather than the process of arrest and trial. "Star Chambers' and assassination violate international law, and would be war crimes.

Unfortunately, we live in a time which a blanketing of terrorist or terrorism can stop all constitutional rights [satire] such as arrest and trial.

The links following refer to the UN Resolutions on modern Lebanon and her situation pre-war -- and specifically, with even United States endorsement conclude and compliment an internal Lebanon effort at stopping external arms supplies to the specifically militant areas; and note the success of Hezbollah's initial transformation from a militant resistance group to an effective political party --gaining 100% more sats (24?) in the Lebanese Parliament in the last elections. Rather than a chokehold nationwide -- it is differed - because it is Shi'ite and notes the combine of Sunni & Christian secular iterests -- making a nationwide Shi'ite Islamaic state impossible.

Government reports internationally, and in the United States also report progress on the integration of Hezbollah's guerillas into the Lebanese armed forces - partly the fruit of UN Res 1559 and as expected political participation in lebanon's government.
The progress in the year following President Hariri's murder is tremendous.

Terorist lables last, and Hezbollah's stems from actions in the 1980's and 1990's akin to the PLO (though lesser)
and even the CIA distinguishes the label --regarding it as included in a State Department list. Indeed other than later Israeli targting for border forays in the Golan heights -Shaaba Farms area, and the rockets nuisance (yes mainly, nuisance in comparison to Israeli acts) terrorist actions have diminished in proportion to political participation.

So the Israeli ploy? Foment war by pretext, an option for attack, and seduce the world -especially the USA with the terrorist label --wait for Syria to withdraw, and attack Hezbollah to destroy it. Spite may also factor in Israeli destructiveness. The prisoners issue? -- Israel has lost some and swiped some and exchanges before with Hezbollah and PLO factors. One cannot imagine Israel and lebanon not having channels other than war - but one can see why they were abandoned by Israel.

Only some assent and climate change --to impress the G-8 and in Syria's feint and Likud's fantasy has restored the madness and this invasion. Recollect that Olmert and Sharon, likely to lose seats, recentered their party on a peace platform -- now an obvious lie to gain the center right and a five year mandate.

Israel's failure to restrain her response is unlawful aggression; the scale and damage in broad targeting and invasion (mainly it seems for assassination and to break the political popularity of Hezbollah) belie a self-defense action. Some would suggest intentional UN sabotage.

Lastly, Israel still occupies from the 1967 war, Hezbollah's main founding territory - the area joining Shaaba Farms in the Golan Heights.

Again a ceasefire in the essential road to restoring this process. Israelis can remoke Olmert's mandate. Trials may occur for the war .. it is nothing else - not even a little one -- it is war.

Commended reading and more general background in the links below:

UN Resolution 1680 via CDRom
UN Security Council resolution 1559 vi Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Lebanon

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The UN and Lebanon


UN Charter via Wikipedia

Lebanon is a UN member, a charter signatory of the United Nations. Israeli is a later joining member of the United Nations.
Prior discussions of international law at this blog do not undermine the United Nations or its charter which constitute the basic code of international conduct; and which guarantees peoples human rights world-wide.

That is why this blogging entry is following the piece about war crimes activity. UN resolutions 1559, and 1680 both address the security and restoration of Lebanon. Security of Israel vis a vis her neighbors remains a UN problem requiring a general regional security conference and an enlarged UN Peacekeeping force. UNIFIL is the name for asmall UN force present in South Lebanon - but a force to small to police or buffer agressive nations.
That UN action was working and in partial place at the outbreak of this war -- abandoned even if for 9-10 days by the state of Israel and watched by the G-8 especially the United States. Only France called for an immediate ceasefire -- speaking as the less enabled UN should have.

Lebanon and Israel both earn the protection of the United Nations by membershp - by being peoples of this one world of ours -- but both have responsibiliteies to enforce the UN Charter via their governments and in joined action with other nations.

When the Secretary-General of the UN, the Security Council calls for a ceasefire, he should be able to order it done with an expectation of a greater collective force to stop war, to save lives. Rather than commend a ceasefire or negotiate a ceasefire with the good UN offices - he must order the member nations to cease fire .. to cease war and return their dispute to the UNITED NATIONS, and that order must be obeyed.

A military injunction to save lives must be delivered by a UN command to stop war.

This is possible only if none of the five permanent members of the Security Council veto that UN instruction (they may always abstain), and allow a motion to force a ceasefire or some other UN action of the Security Council to proceed by majority.

Since recognition, the United States has never joined a major UN action against Israel's activity. The Suez War, with a Birtish and Israeli back-down was as close as the US got. In that case, Britain might have vetoed any halting UN action.
In 1949-50 Korea, the USSR abstained at the UN Security Council, and allowed the UN to proceed against North Korea.

This archaic permanent veto, generally permits the UN from functioning fully for peacekeepng - especially in resolving Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon.

The United States can spare the veto, and help an objective UN and world community address the Israeli inflammation in Lebanon, and that nations re-construction.

Lebanon pertinent UN resolutions: 1559 & 1680, are the basis for peace and reconstruction of one kindling point in Lebanon's post-Syria past. Only the United States and Britain would likely veto a stronger immediate Security Council resolve to order a cessation of hostilities; serving the force to effect it if disobeyed. Israel's condemnation need not be reacehd in imposing an immdeiate ceasefire on both sides. Liablities wiould be addressed in post-hostilities litigation.

Lebanon sought and received UN assistance to restore her nation -- that UN benefaction - that UN duty - that UN assistance - should not be squandered.

When a nation claiming sel-defense acts with martial force; a surplusage of force makes that nation an agressor.

It is certainly the desire and sense of the people of the world that war be discarded, that only via the UN or other true collective defense should martialforce be used against another nation.

That big gun -- barring an emergency self-defense - should be aimed by the agency of the people of the world -- the UNITED NATIONS.

Lebanon As Victim of International War Crime

Lebanon As Victim of International War Crime .. may persuade Israel and Hezebollah factions to halt hositlities immediately.

On many grounds, sadly with Israel commtting the graver roster of crimes, Lebanon has been betrayed by parties unable to accomodate rational expectations of law.

Two helpful links for lay and educated persons to understand the attempted arguments of severe wrong, crime, which can end and should deter war are listed at these links -- and this blog notes a few following the links.

Geneva Convention with Alpha-Index-guide --an edition for Journalists
Wiki-pedia Geneva Convention -- includes references regarding Islamic Laws on War

Reprisal is a retaliatory action, vengance, against other persons than those which committed a martial act .. especially non-combatants. More frequently applied to a nations behavior as occupying powers against acts or resistance groups - it can arguably apply to over-reactive militarist response against nations & factions which parts commit acts which bring punishment to a whole nation.

Surprise attacks are war crimes, since Pearl Harbor particularly -- and excessively disproportionate attacks --ie war -- for lesser acts of war can as well as the blitzkrieg itself constitute a surprise attack.

In war under law, a nation cannot hide its combat forces as civilians in order to shield them -- this does not apply where the combat is sudden and the combatants have not yet taken uniform and are engaged in return or defensive hostilities, due to the surprise attacks.
Similarly and conversely, it is a war crime to attack civilians without identifying them as the enemy target - ie the combatant of martial aim -- this applies when Israel late identifies an enemy, after bombing apparently civilian targets identifying their aim as hostilities among them -- ie. the Secretariat of Hezbollah.
The purpose of this international law of war is to protect non-combatants obviously by warning and isolation of the target away from non-combatants.
Israel has not declared war against Lebanon, and some Hezbollah targets are members of the Lebanese Government.

Civilian facilities marked and evidently obviously as such have been recklessly or deliberately targeted by Israel upon a presumption of rocket and missile conveyances, or as hiding places for Hezebolah. The crime is an inverse quantitative factor of the accidental strikes by objective analysis.
Further damage has been done by bottling up Lebanese through highway and transportation centers destruction - which of course limits their evacuations.

Nations or parties at war, are to aim their weapons at military & combatant targets. Hezbollah with a lesser guided rocket or missile, defends now with a lesser non-crime contrasted with Israel's technological capacities; yet both are at fault -- again objectivity is the inverse quantum of accidents to targets, depending on weapons used.
deliberate and unnecessary damage of civilian property is to be avoided -- this again as collateral damage - including acceptable civilian risk on targeting military or combatants, is measured inverse to the accident count.
It is to be compensated; and investigated as to its deliberation.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

TARGETING in Lebanon - just what Israel? - secure page - non secure page

Quotation following is a partial assessment of Lebanon from the US CIA World factbook --- link above.
Since the end of the war, the Lebanese have conducted several successful elections, most of the militias have been weakened or disbanded, and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) have extended central government authority over about two-thirds of the country. Hizballah, a radical Shi'a organization listed by the US State Department as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, retains its weapons. During Lebanon's civil war, the Arab League legitimized in the Ta'if Accord Syria's troop deployment, numbering about 16,000 based mainly east of Beirut and in the Bekaa Valley. Damascus justified its continued military presence in Lebanon by citing Beirut's requests and the failure of the Lebanese Government to implement all of the constitutional reforms in the Ta'if Accord. Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon in May 2000, however, encouraged some Lebanese groups to demand that Syria withdraw its forces as well. The passage of UNSCR 1559 in early October 2004 - a resolution calling for Syria to withdraw from Lebanon and end its interference in Lebanese affairs - further emboldened Lebanese groups opposed to Syria's presence in Lebanon. The assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq HARIRI and 20 others in February 2005 led to massive demonstrations in Beirut against the Syrian presence ("the Cedar Revolution"). Syria finally withdrew the remainder of its military forces from Lebanon in April 2005. In May-June 2005, Lebanon held its first legislative elections since the end of the civil war free of foreign interference, handing a two-thirds majority to the bloc led by Saad HARIRI, the slain prime minister's son.

Israel's targeting, sources from news reports, include Lebanons' primary ports: their fuel terminals in particular; Beirut International Airport; and other of the seven airports.

Other targets, allegedly all only Hezbollah, would be field centers alleged bases --which by Israel's reckonng are in office buildings and apartments in Beirut and coastal residences; highways and major intersections and bridges; and anything vehicle which could conceal and carry a missile or rocket (ie something the size of a wall to wall carpet roll).

Actually Israel could give a greater damn about the missiles which are still falling on Israel with greater numbers than the nuisance value rockets before this war -- as Israel's Military (ludicrously even in fascistic form are called the IDF: Israeli defense Force) is merely targeting the customary national parts which could convey military resistance or external help to stall or impede its long planned military ground invasion. (That seems to be a cbon cop of the invasion to chase the PLO out of Lebanon in the 70's.)

Israel's other real mission is also ASSASSINATION -- of the Sheik styled the executive commander of Hezebollah. (a deputy in the Lebanese Parliament or Minister of its government?) ..this means a shell game and an Israeli property distruction holiday for any of the tipped buildings in Beirut or Lebanon. Like Israel's obsessive Palestinian madness, this means many residences and neutral office buildings .. with a razing and bombing as in Gaza.

This afternoon (07-19-06) CNN reported Israel as targeting missile and rocket manufactories -- hence this would be anything from a cheap 'chop shop'for automobile-rebuilding to, again, wall to wall carpet tubes.

Israel is adamantly amidst 'theatrical?' depictions of ground destruction from Beirut praising its restraint, and trying desparatey to sound like the limited precision bombings of the US military and its coalition in Baghdad during that war's start (ie a simple brideg disabled without its full destruction). That this will damage and impede Beirut metropolitan refugees without good rail or rail mass transit since the civil war's end is Israel's calculated forfeiture of collateral risk.

That is Israel's folly and problem ... evrything to that schizoid nation will be Gaza-North, Gaza-West etc -- and to make matters worst, Likud's coaltion and other Israeli's, keep telling people that they are just like the United States of America in their aims and actions.

We'd guess now, that they mean George Bush Jr. since most don't really know Americans. In the majority muting and pliancy -- they behave like exfiltrated Soviet citizens.

This war must end ... a ceasefire is absolutely necessary for lifesaving --a job of governments. Israel cannot be allowed a solo act to do what Lebanon was politically doing with international help -- by the US CIA's own published reckoning above.

This world and this citizen cannot and should not tolerate GAZA North as Israel's Lebanese solution.

If the Israeli government cannot be outvoted at home to change course--- it mst be ordere to halt by the UN; and addressed by a coalition of nations -- I'd actually voluntary my manpower for that!

And, imagine the USA saying NO to Israel again? It did with President Eisenhower in 1956 - Suez War; and in other less publicized Israeli fiascos and fantasies. If the American answer is still an unresponsive, irresponsible stance, then please remember our 2006 voting power in the USA and use it.
As to Lebabon? ..according to George Bush Jr.'s mind, evidently, we'll help re-build everything .. bury folks too. Just like New Orleans.

One more thought -- Slobodan Milosevic hated anyone and anything which didn't like him; or wanted no part of him --drove him to destroy it --even his coutry's architectural treasury because it wanted to leave him -- the Israeli's couldn't care less about Beirut and Lebanon's damage because ... "they don't feel welcome there .. they don't go there " -- Israel has the detachment not of national safety -- but of hatred ... national hatred - - a bad psychosis.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hezbollah & Party of God Is Not the PLO

Hezbollah & Party of God is not the PLO of Menachem Begin's wrongsided overdone co-destruction of Lebanon in the 70's. Yes, Party of God -- Hezbollah, with radical Iranian Shi'ite backing is the group which blew up the US Marine Barracks in President Reagan's safety & peace insertion in Beirut in 1982-3; but governing obligations has transformed them into a broader politics seeking controversial partner in Lebanon's post civil war re-construction. The Marine Barracks blast has colored them as terrorist since 1983; and like attitudes to the PLA biased any normal political negotiation.

Bakaa Valey and Chabba Farms settlers organized in the post-partition forties to the present time utiized the manpower of Shi'ite Lebanese seeking their lands apart from Israeli declaration .. adn as the French and other nations regard them -- are a resstance grop -- laetely enfolded ito the national Lebanese polity. The PLO, a group nasing tself in lebanon but not Lebanese, was chased out.

Converting the militants of Hezbollah to fractious peaceful politics instead of military guerilla options is the national Lebanese and international goal. Frankly -- it is the same argument to buid and convert from miltancy applied to the PLA, Hama, and at one time,to the Irun which became the Likud Party of Israel.

This disastrous Israeli insertion -- wholly uncriticized in its scope or necessity by the United States follows an illusory killing lust - - which is urged by a Sunni minority, as in Iraq today.

The burden of governing for its constituency -- education -- medical & dental services -- housing & transportation -- social care --convert a guerilla resistance group to peaceful participatory politics. Wheter a future federation or siilar resolve by Lebanon --that peaceful option was to have been fruited not destroyed and re-motivateted to no course but martial violence.

Other than appeasing a guerilla constituency shor-term -- no Part of God politician can bind Lebanon to Israel's destruction or dismemberment -- only to a course of diplomatic change. Great Britain--instead of Tony Blair's being George Bush (NERO) - swayed could have drawn from her IRA-Sinn Fein experiences in neighboring Ireland.

History and good politics teaches that political engagement makes strange bedfellows and lives responsible incumbent politicians of gun & bomb toters. Israel's life contemptible amateurish over-reaction has damaged the political course. What now the words of a Hezbollah moderate and his arms staying influence - let alone the groan of his fellow Lebanese?

Let Hezbollah stop rocketing? Very few people in Israel wre killed by those rockets -- hundreds may now die by the reckless impatient unimaginative march & blitzkrieg orders of a fascistic Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister. Killing will not eliminate a people -- that used to be the deafening silence of slaughtered Jews ..some of whom are today's Israels.


GEORGE BUSH has become as callous as Emperor Nero with other peoples lives. What will NERO Bush do after fiddling i St. Petersburg when he returns to Washington? about the Lebanon crisis?

By the time Mr. Bush (Nero) returns, more than 300 lives may be lost, hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to Lebanese and Israeli property damage; and countless 100's of thousands of refugees (some lucky westerners) airlifted at immense cost to their lives and their countries.

Mr. Bush could have talked Israel down from a security fantasy as other world leaders have tried and ordered an international ceasefire.

As to Israel's security? More lives have been lost --that is Israelis killed in four days from Hezbollah rockets than in the weeks preceding the new war; count them. Hw many Israelis were killed in the month before the latest Lebanese invasion. The over-retion as apretext to finish off Hezbollah is the latest "Bush can't say no to Sunni Arabia" proxy war endorsing Israel.

If Bush doesn not endorse Israel's mlitary option -- they won't go. This would have been a punitive hot pursuit or commando raid - -not a full war against everythng Lebanon has attempted to reconstruct including Syrian disengageement.

Make a ceasefire now Mr. Bush .. or live with the lives lost to needless killing image of a fiddling NERO. The incongruity with your stance on fetal embryonic tissues is ludicrous.

Americans and their Presidents save lives and seek to stop needless killing at the earliest point -- Americans do not cheer on one sided bullying and phallic machismo security invasions wrecking another nation with lesser peoples lives.

In my America -- a Lebanese is worth the same value as an Israeli. Order Israel's ceasefire with the UN .. and say no to the Sunnis -- not all of whom share your Shi'ite cast-aside.

America will cure its bloodthirsty shame with a new Presidency after 2008 and a new Congress commencing this fall.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Unilateralism is the key and fatal flaw in Israel's current military dominated foreign policy. Israel is not the UN -- is not the sole Middle Eastern Power for political resolution - is not the sole force - is not the sole people in the region - is hardly the democracy claimed nor the sole democracy there.

Israel cannot under international law nor acceptable politics define and solely resolve its military threats exagerrated or real.

Israeli society cannot without external monies or domestic economic choke and political fraud contiue to use and fund its wermacht in the current fashion. [A suspicion is alleged that Israel is spending the Palestinian escrowed treasury on this offense.]

Israeli politicians cannot contine to lie to Israelis about surrounding force realities which will not disappear nor diminish. An Israel which prior to this recent event explained population risks to its people would not have had the unquestioned mandate to invade Lebanon.

Lebanese Hezbollah capacities will go underground and deeper into Lebanon offering a stretch and draw play option which risks more Israeli civilian centers lives by targeting (with less and more accuracy) , with more corresponding Israeli overreactive and re-escalating retaliation.

Lebanon will not and must not cede its sovereign territory .. and the semi-autonomous military arm of Hezbollah is expected to resist by appropriate force. Hezbollah is of Lebanon and Lebanese; participates in any elected Lebanese government and will integrate as expected its capacity into the full Lebanese state instead of reacting to civil war and secession. Hezbollah as Lebanon will not be disarmed -- Lebanon will maintain arms and soverign autonomy with international assistance including expected hezbollah forces integration. Israel will and must yield.

A buffer zone unilaterally aimed and decided by Israel in Lebanese territory will fail and become a greater causus belli. A buffer zone or DMZ complete with acceptable civilian non-targetable activities is the negotiable objective with Lebanon and Israel - but will penetrate appropriately equally into each nations territories. It will be internationally policied as necessary, including no-fly zones, and monitored by commission against armaments.

Israeli forces cannot continue their advance and must accept ceasefire and withdraw.

Israeli allegations and new proofs of Irani and Syrian sourcing of some Hezbollah munitions are old news and actually moot or evenly offset by US sourcing of Israeli armed capacities. They no more blame the nations of Syria and Iran than they blame the USA, Britain France and other past Israeli arms dealing powers.

Arms for both sides with the greater mixed media superiority of Israel, and Israel's bellicostic racist stance of lives values are the chief causus belli in middle eastern politics.

Only an immature, panicked nation advances to full war footing with its applied capacities instead of reacting appropriatel to lesser injuries . and thereby invites the greater fault in rapid military response escalation and greater domestic civilian injury.

A nation with the sophisticated arsenal capacity of Israel must be governed managed with restraint or disarmed by failure to retsrain appropriately. Mlitarism evidenced by facistic activity is not the product of democracy sensitised nations - but that of an uncontrolled militray lobby -- an advocacy of a militarists military industrial complex..

Sunday, July 16, 2006


The United Nations must condemn and stay Israel mlitary invaion in this past few days over-reaction to a capture of two Israeli soldiers.

No great power, the United States and any other of the Group of 8, should endorse the grossly disproportiona Israeli militar offensive. That they, and Irael can conceive of no other course than full invasion joined war destroys the international power and credibility of any responsible nation.

Hezbollah -- a Sinn Fein-IRA like Lebanese faction has launched rockets and raided Israeli camps before. For this and other 'terroristic' acts --though represented in a newer Lebanese Parliament, has been placed on a terrorist list. That list has not been updated since the Syrian troop withdrawal, nor since the Lebanese attempted a unity government they joined with promises to address their militant arm.

The American pro-Israel bias in blank check from is embarrassing and evidenced by the following:

-tips to American Bush connected investors benefitted from a stock market and fuel prices flux tip before the Israeli invasion.
-President Bush has instructed American military forces to stand-by off Lebanon and help rescue and remove up to 25000 Americans working, studying, living or touring there -- but they as Americans mst pay per capita for their rescue flight to nearby Cyprus. (source: ABC News 7-16-06 Evening Edition).
-President Bush stated to Prime Minister Siniora that he stands by Lebanon but condemns Hezbollah (which is a part of Lebanon) and has asked the Israelis to take care with their targets to avoid hitting Americans and their interests.
- The Bush Administration has never alone nor internationally, assisted Lebanon in incorporatng Hezbollah's guerillas in the Lebanese aremd defense force nor intiated positive nation building there; and instead seems to prefer a polcy of rekindling Lebanons diviseness by Christian-Sunni & Shi'ite sects as has Israel to weaken a country horribly damaged by 16 years or civil war -remember the Green Line days in Beirut? nor respectably, honestly sought improved relations with Syria - declaring the country impossible or forfeit. Lebanon was founded in 1943-49 from the old French Levant mandate.

-Presidnet Bush has communicated privately -that although a ceasefire is immediately possible, that he would prefer to give the Israelis time to 'mess Hezbollah' up a little bit. More than 115 Lebanese have been killed - mainly civilian non-combatants -women and children and elderly .. and the country is choking with frightened and scattered refugeees.

Israel claims a compelling need to redress Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon - but Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] have blockade and attacked beirut's harbor -the nations main fuel and suppy port, other ports up the coast; bombed and idsabled the Beirut airport; and destroyed highways to and from Southern Lebanon - further trapping thousands of civilians.

Israel has by inernational law in its choice of redress by massive force and invasion committed a reprisal --which is a war crime -against the collateral civilian population.

A nation which expects to be alloweda hot pursuit lesser counter-attack against a raid does not soften up the country's main transportation and international access points unless planning a lengthy invasion. (Standard military pre-invasion blitzkrieg).

Israels 'make safe' plans have actually escalated to a hotter full war footing and caused a dozen more deaths by Hezbollah missile attack as far as Haifa .. with possible new attacks reaching beyond 22 miles into Israel. The new and more damagin hezbollah retaliatory and defensive attacks are lawful under international law as contrasted to Israel's soldier capture pretext to a surprise invasion.

Israel saluted Syria's troop withdrawal from Southern Lebanon after the scadalous taint of the Lebanese presidential assassination, with this invasion -- made an option by Syria's military retreat. Syria has with other Arab neighbors shown support for Lebanon and remarkable mlitary restraint by averting a widening inflammatory military engagement. yet president Bush -- endorsing Israel as a power proxy has condemned Syria.

Israel's lesser options include:
- a cross-border counter commando raid
- diplomatic negotiations and a prisoner exchange (Lebanon and Hezbollah via news reports has reported the prisoner Israelis well-kept, alive, and treated per the Geneva convention.)
- taking Lebanon and Hezbollah to the UN
- a lesser airstrike at Hezbollah positions alone yet - accurate - yet less than a full aerial bobing campaign and invasion.
- this is Israel's thrord major invasion of Soiuthern lebanon in 20 years --Prime Minster Begun --stunned and saddened by the excess and criticism in the first one - resigned from public politics. Aerial Sharon, then a general was indicted for war crimes in the miltary excess and excedance of civilian orders. As Prime Minister Sharon, attempted the same tactic of security fantasy with an invasion by his government of Lebanon.
Prime Minter Olmert, with an opposition-free Israeli unity Cabinet (including Shamon peres as Foreign Minister-Vice PM) is attempting the third Israeli security fantasy in Lebanon. Missiles and rockets come heavier hourly now by news reports.
- the Menachem Begun Likud party invasion disaster in Lebann was halted by hs resignation, as he was being contested and brought down by the opposition of Yitzak Rabin and Peres.
- Prime Minister Olmert bizarrely co-formed a new party: Likud 2 to press for peace leaving the war -makers in old Likud. Evidently, there is no difference.
- Israelis have no political Prime Ministerial choice by Knesset-Parliamentary caucus or no-confidence vote anymore - because choices are limted to the to three or four national popularity contest vote getters. No new blood can be advanced readily to Prime Minister.
- Israeli lobbyists amd agents have seduced the Bush Administration into uncriticality vis a vis Israel and likely without an instant ceasefire pushed peace possibilities back thirty years.

Israel has alternatives other than war, and the world community has immediate ceasefire options via UN authority and regional and world military power which can save more lives than the 150 or so already lost -- mainly civilians.

President Bush has lead the world community to delay a ceasfire, siding with the growing fascistic mood favored by Israel, and preferring to allow a few punishing days.

Conclusion --the war crime prevails - lives are lost - and President Bush may face impeachment - for charging to rescue American lives.

Condem Israel