ISRAEL's Master Plan
This morning's (July 22 2006) New York Times references a US sale/transfer of precision guided aerial bombs as supplemens or replacements for Israel's arenal. The armament is mainly used for specific target destruction -- especially for command bunkers headquarters, or for the assassination of human beings. This is the Israeli and too frequently, an American urge, rather than the process of arrest and trial. "Star Chambers' and assassination violate international law, and would be war crimes.
Unfortunately, we live in a time which a blanketing of terrorist or terrorism can stop all constitutional rights [satire] such as arrest and trial.
The links following refer to the UN Resolutions on modern Lebanon and her situation pre-war -- and specifically, with even United States endorsement conclude and compliment an internal Lebanon effort at stopping external arms supplies to the specifically militant areas; and note the success of Hezbollah's initial transformation from a militant resistance group to an effective political party --gaining 100% more sats (24?) in the Lebanese Parliament in the last elections. Rather than a chokehold nationwide -- it is differed - because it is Shi'ite and notes the combine of Sunni & Christian secular iterests -- making a nationwide Shi'ite Islamaic state impossible.
Government reports internationally, and in the United States also report progress on the integration of Hezbollah's guerillas into the Lebanese armed forces - partly the fruit of UN Res 1559 and as expected political participation in lebanon's government.
The progress in the year following President Hariri's murder is tremendous.
Terorist lables last, and Hezbollah's stems from actions in the 1980's and 1990's akin to the PLO (though lesser)
and even the CIA distinguishes the label --regarding it as included in a State Department list. Indeed other than later Israeli targting for border forays in the Golan heights -Shaaba Farms area, and the rockets nuisance (yes mainly, nuisance in comparison to Israeli acts) terrorist actions have diminished in proportion to political participation.
So the Israeli ploy? Foment war by pretext, an option for attack, and seduce the world -especially the USA with the terrorist label --wait for Syria to withdraw, and attack Hezbollah to destroy it. Spite may also factor in Israeli destructiveness. The prisoners issue? -- Israel has lost some and swiped some and exchanges before with Hezbollah and PLO factors. One cannot imagine Israel and lebanon not having channels other than war - but one can see why they were abandoned by Israel.
Only some assent and climate change --to impress the G-8 and in Syria's feint and Likud's fantasy has restored the madness and this invasion. Recollect that Olmert and Sharon, likely to lose seats, recentered their party on a peace platform -- now an obvious lie to gain the center right and a five year mandate.
Israel's failure to restrain her response is unlawful aggression; the scale and damage in broad targeting and invasion (mainly it seems for assassination and to break the political popularity of Hezbollah) belie a self-defense action. Some would suggest intentional UN sabotage.
Lastly, Israel still occupies from the 1967 war, Hezbollah's main founding territory - the area joining Shaaba Farms in the Golan Heights.
Again a ceasefire in the essential road to restoring this process. Israelis can remoke Olmert's mandate. Trials may occur for the war .. it is nothing else - not even a little one -- it is war.
Commended reading and more general background in the links below:
UN Resolution 1680 via CDRom
UN Security Council resolution 1559 vi Wikipedia
Wikipedia - Lebanon