Saturday, January 31, 2004

Republication Correction of Blog 'Debrief' 'Debrief' Blog WWW Address

Correct Url for Debrief at Blogger Debrief -- a friend blog of SCOTTMCON has a corrected URL. Another party at Blogger reclaimed a lapsed name at Blog Spot -
would give you another publc blog - 'Louise's Psychology Seminar'.

Blogger's computer erred and accepted the URL.

'DEBRIEF" the blog stil exists at the URL above at BlogSPot by the name and has no connection with Louise. - Wished Well.

DEBRIEF -- the blog

DEBRIEF the blog

DEBRIEF .. the blog companion to the immemorable Debrief website has changed its URL. Pleas take note an utilize the BlogMatrix blogscrape RSS url there.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Massachusetts Energy

Massachusetts Energy

Massachusetts - the state of Dukakis and historic modern political stereotypes leads in the Northeast in varied consumer energy provisions and wholesaling in a de-regulated market.
John Kerry US Senator, with his colleague and others as late as winter 1996 was one of the state's politicians clalling for a Congressional investigation into high oil prices in that year's December freeze. He backed off as did others. This blogger remembers stating 'ridiculous' to the Government Investigation charge of high price gouging.

Advertise I said - advertise the higher prices. They'll be down with supply before the Government can seat a panel. And they were.
Unlike California and the United Kingdom .. New England is blessed with scores of capable deepwater and energy supply ports. There are no special discouraging porting fees, pollution is checked and addressed with safety; and there are no California hydro-carbon restrictions limiting port selection or refineries and storage.

That means flexibility. By the time a week had passed when the oil prices went up ..New Englanders were approaching a glut of fuel oil and the price had plummeted to half. That was the market response; and Senator Kerry learned it.

One more energy point about gas .. natural gas. last winter a shortage was forecast and New Englanders bought forward as they have for a few years now. They commanded as supply with price and brought in natural gas by tanker (LGPG) and two gas pipelines. yes, two -- one the Tenneco complex as south and west as you can ... to the Massachusetts area; and another from Quebec Canada; Like our electricity.

We didn't mean to do that to California - but it was demand in a lesser regulated market. New Englanders competed with money - and supply responded - the market. Oh yes electricity .. what saved the New York City blackout last year and its grid from worsening? The electric companies and New York State prevailed the Feds to open a Federal delayed line from Connecticut under the Sound and fed Long Island.

New Englanders? They expect it now. Massachusetts customers and voters now select an energy supplier the way consumers pick long distance providers. It was a dream and is now a reality -- joined from the work of Dukakis-Weld-Celluci - GOP & Democratic Parties together in a good business friendly public interest.
That's what Senator John Kerry & his neighbor Howard Dean now have behind them.
Enjoy 2004 and stay warm or cool.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Vote of Confidence

Vote of Confidence

Prime Minister Blair's recent Commons vote emphasized the mortality of British Prime Ministers politically, and emphasized the American Presidential difference.
Mr. Blair should have been sustained by the vote, and was. Compliments go to men and women of conscience .. who saw through an opportunity to topple the Government over a key constituency issue.
That vote on the Education Bill should have been a 'free vote' in the House - but Mr. Blair nearly a month ago staked his continuity in office on it.
That made the vote one of Confidence in the Government. Had he lost - and he survived by 5 votes - he would have been forced to resign or re-caucus or call elections.
Conservatives in the USA and the UK also owed him one. Few would have expected Mr. Blair's centrism on Iraq from a Labour PM. There's no cheering for the Tory Party instantly either - for it was Tony Blair's own fabled Labour Left Wing. He has survived longer than any Labour Party Prime Minister.

Education should be a national provisioning .. Britain is owed a mixed public-private system; and an affordable one.
Meanwhile, Tony, thanks for the Alliance - and the center's always there - but don't rat! -- you don't have to - but the votes can be there.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

RSS Feeds & Weblogs

Seeking a regular RSS feed as a blogscrape URL for your weblog? Try the link above at BlogMatrix.
RSS Blogscrape Feed example from Blog Matrix

Or .. for a satisfying experience, Windows IE & Mozilla browser (including most webtv) weblog service with RSS syndication - try Jablog for free weblog hosting with free RSS syndication for blogs.

Scott M Connolly weblog RSS Feed
Scott M Connolly weblog at Jablog

Blogger's BlogSpot Plus cannot take more paying customers right now (Blogger FAQ) - and its free BlogSpot side does not offer RSS feed.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

SCOTTMCON's Political Stands

SCOTTMCON's Political Stands are Back

By popular demand in this Presidential Election season and any season --
SCOTTMCON's Political Stands.
Borrow them; join them discuss them, or compare campaigns by them.

SCOTTMCON is an American, and these were kept on line at his UK mirror site.
Links again:
Political Stands -menu only
Political Stands - full frame set with menu

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