PIPA and SOPA are examples of when government wary Conservatives and Liberals must join and meet with pragmatic compromise to protect liberty, the occasion of accidents, and particularly to sustain Government costs and effectiveness.
Google and other search engines have joined the fray against SOPA and PIPA’s proposed far reaching inspection and protection cost absorptions; and they have BIG budgets, but have made money on the micro profits of effective internet management. Google for example, like other search engines use the 404 (not found or page no longer exists) code to note an out of date or unfound page or site on the internet. In fact, most internet users prefer the 404 to clean the internet. Saving cached pages, as the 404 can offer sometimes, without renew the damage, this kind of mechanism with coding (even an 86 code) exists to police internet piracy and intellectual property mis-use.
Further, internet WWW software engineers and writers/programmers, have the means to use a program (application) which would be kept up to date (a noter-up) that will list and notify the internet surfer of an abusing site. (Ever see a Google alert about site security or an issue with a media player?) The device would share information (like security-monkey engines safe site security info alerts do) to report on the site or page’s record in copyright compliance and alert the would be user to a copying abuse or risk. All of these save time, money, and litigation. They also save those expensive policing resources for the systemic (which those little copyright risk engines when devised would record and disclose) permitting better, sane, pragmatic policing.
Recollect the Locke postulate used by many early Americans and present Conservatives and Liberals: “That Government is best which governs least.” ?
All of the above is possible with data processing and searching technology. It is not hand wound frame by frame, and bar by bar editing with a massivity of human labor. This is the modern data and processing age. Let ‘s use that availability, and keep the internet, the WWW, the GREAT BIG BOOK OF LISTS, as fluid as it can be.
The burden of SOPA and PIPA are far too great and unworthy of the modern copyright registration and processing world. Due to the impact, costs, and other anti-libertarian burdens, they need to go back to the drawing boards. Kill the legislation up or down, or give it a long tabling.
The reforms recently mentioned in the press of extraterritorial reaches for the copyright protection sought, are also mixed in need. Conspiracy laws with specific intent, and racketeering laws with specific intent already exist. If the Department of Justice believes that the law needs additional extraterritorial uniform procedural teeth, then so be it (akin to debt and judgement collections, and family law custodial and support regimen. Most can be enforced. Plaints that the sites of abuse are offshore are policeable by discovery and alert and user cost and liability. (Cuba based internet sites’ visitors pay a Cuban government excise tax through their server (ISP) now. What’ is wrong with that device or a similar itemizing mechanism to note and list and protect and reduce risk from piratical sites? A reminder that discovery of an offending act or event are first amendment protections in the United States. Germany is also another WWW operating environment where a Constitutional bar restricts racist and NAZI & neo-NAZI materials. Use mechanisms of that nature.
I am afraid that patentees and copyright owners have to civilly enforce their property rights, and reasonably so. How much damage did a recent high-roller slam & damn law firm do to alleged copyright violations and what costs in errors or over-reach? Our Government will not morph to a Leviathan for their ride and need; but will provide a civil code and be lean and mean to assist and criminally prosecute.