Thursday, December 08, 2005

Israel's Prime Ministerial Elections

Change the Israeli Constitution before Israel can realistically create an alternative to its limited choice of parties and give peace moderates a fair electoral chance to prevail - that nation must scrap its entire limitation of Knesset options for Prime Minister or change to a Presidential system. Israel - Likud past and future - and Labour with and without Sharon & Peres and other doves - including Marev coalition factions must have their option to caucus and re-elect a Prime Minister from other than the top candidates in a popularity contest. No peace prospects can sustain a choice limitation among the top three finishers of a right wing popularity stacking.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Thanks Mr Phelps -- more-- albeit Sec't'y of State may be unpriveleged to discuss US safe house network and now denies arrangements -- US logically has agreements with allied and other nations to handle in-country and in-transit nationals, but cannot when known, deny those nations' governmental concerns nor constitutional jurisdictions. Sec't'y of State Rice may do better with an Ike's posture on spy planes in the cold war. Issue is whether rights were materially trampled for foreign nationals in US custody. An earlier opine here for example, stressed Europe's similar need for a rights addressing time and safety assuring treaty or European legislation making terrorism and associated acts thereto, a European crime thus permitting routine transfer inter-jurisdiction; comparable to US Federal practice in transfer of suspects for trial or adjudication.
Additional thought: could the US handle flying magistrates?

[prior post was a weather format test]

WX01089 T 21F W:0-5NNW CLR 11:36 P:0

WX01089 T 21F W:0-5NNW CLR 11:36 P:0

WX01089 T 21F W:0-5NNW CLR 11:36 P:0

WX01089 T 21F W:0-5NNW CLR 11:36 P:0