Healthcare American Style
What presumed Democratic Party politicos in the Obama Aministration are forgetting is what Americans are like. On healthcare, one begins by calculating WHO has healthcare, then follows with a consideration of WHO else needs it and WHAT can be afforded. At this writing, the elderly, the poor, and now, almost all American children and oher children lawfully present in America have some government intervened or taxable income-expensed healthcare.
Many who do not and cannot have it are denied by their paychecks limited substance or lack of self provsion. Many US states in additional tun, now also provide an insurance option - some "mandatory" for cost accounting in then event of indigent or uninsured emergency care. This is and may be enough.
America is built to the world envy by a middle-class, earnest for a payckheck. This "payheck-ism" will sustain America for centuries if allowed.
As to healthcare - let Americans pay for what they concieve they need and want, and they can deduct it from their earnings ledger. As to castrophe .. insure for that contingency as Amricans still can, (even Canadian insurers reaize that) and allow personal loss accountngs forward or back against income to sustain their home estate until recovery or death.
It is not American to impoverish for goverment care eligibility.
Tomorrow's youth wll work, voluntarily, in healthcare and extended geriatric living establishmnts. Tey will earn livings. That is paycheckism.
So now let Americans determine what they would like to keep of it - their own paycheck - and it is always faster, easier and better for the government to give them one -an employment which pays, as a last ditch assist. Nevr FIAT employment
And remember the AARP creation point? Thy appear to have forgotten. Well, no one can defeat comon sens, and no one insures for a non-gamble. Pre-exisiting malady disclosure is a basis for insurance risk. It cannot be banned. Closing that out is a taking and the killing of an industry. Create the castrophic care system - but save the true insurance. This nation cannot afford the 1948 socialists experiments of anyone in other nations.
Once again, as AARP should have done: count the insured - count the potentially insured and cost predict the rest and address that. Options in hospice and a government option -non-mandatory will sustain an economy and not bankrupt us. The alternative is a 25% tax hike in any truthfullness.
Many who do not and cannot have it are denied by their paychecks limited substance or lack of self provsion. Many US states in additional tun, now also provide an insurance option - some "mandatory" for cost accounting in then event of indigent or uninsured emergency care. This is and may be enough.
America is built to the world envy by a middle-class, earnest for a payckheck. This "payheck-ism" will sustain America for centuries if allowed.
As to healthcare - let Americans pay for what they concieve they need and want, and they can deduct it from their earnings ledger. As to castrophe .. insure for that contingency as Amricans still can, (even Canadian insurers reaize that) and allow personal loss accountngs forward or back against income to sustain their home estate until recovery or death.
It is not American to impoverish for goverment care eligibility.
Tomorrow's youth wll work, voluntarily, in healthcare and extended geriatric living establishmnts. Tey will earn livings. That is paycheckism.
So now let Americans determine what they would like to keep of it - their own paycheck - and it is always faster, easier and better for the government to give them one -an employment which pays, as a last ditch assist. Nevr FIAT employment
And remember the AARP creation point? Thy appear to have forgotten. Well, no one can defeat comon sens, and no one insures for a non-gamble. Pre-exisiting malady disclosure is a basis for insurance risk. It cannot be banned. Closing that out is a taking and the killing of an industry. Create the castrophic care system - but save the true insurance. This nation cannot afford the 1948 socialists experiments of anyone in other nations.
Once again, as AARP should have done: count the insured - count the potentially insured and cost predict the rest and address that. Options in hospice and a government option -non-mandatory will sustain an economy and not bankrupt us. The alternative is a 25% tax hike in any truthfullness.