Friday, August 30, 2013

SYRIA Chemical Warfare Aug 21 Attack

News sources particularly have provided excerpts of President Obama’s address and Secty of State Kerry’s video address.  More of those sources and developments with links at @duoscottmcon

Thursday, August 29, 2013

UK Affirms Resolve via UN contra Syria

AS of this am,  Britain resolves to act via UN; and promises House vote as to any greater UK military involvement against Syria.  (cf Commons deliberations are again appearing now in debate in Commons in re-broadcast on US television.

UK Government position is that :

Once any government uses outlawed (chemical weapons) it will use them again.

The repeat use risk is the primary urgency to the British posture.

Syria could resolve and restrict chemical weapons use -  albeit this is not addressed as sufficient or satisfactory to the British government.

HM Government continue to state that Syria will not come to negotiating table and resolve the civil issues of its nation .That interpretation makes any Syrian communique an expediency ( a stalling tactic).

The UK, like other nations, risks retaliation in any military action ( it would be a form of war, even when acting under the UN)

Syria’s likely acts would be a joint threat against major powers involved through the nature of terrorism, and direct attacks against other powers citizens or other nations property.

Re-use of chemical weapons, nor the order to do so by Syrian Government directive, is not yet established.

Syrian targets have not been discussed and remain unclear save assumedly suggestions of the national executive directorate for purposes of limitation (capacity not punishment without trial).

Other targets assumedly would be potential delivery systems of outlawed weapons – particularly aircraft and artillery – land  & naval capacities.

Of course the screaming hostage-child is also going to be the proximity of Israel; and today with no love lost in some Palestinian quarters for past Syrian assaults on Palestinians,  the Palestine populations; and Jordan. Also at risk are an array of holy sites, and archaeological sites should there be a spite filled Milosevic style executive melt-down

In short, without more, including the fabled European hosted talks on a Syrian truce/peace and reconciliation, the UK finds no course in any Syrian path which corrects the complained course.  No appeasement (chiefly of time) is seen as an acceptable or profitable risk to other nations and Syria’s internal peoples.

The UN remains a course and place of resolve – should Syria use the process for more than time.   Syria alone, or her allies, with some influence, including Iran and Russia, must rush and move Syria on this.

Situation rather similar to Russia’s influence and control as to Iran’s nuclear power development, including centrifuges.  These matters may still be diplomatically resolved.

Lastly as to the course, Syria has not yet been shown to be a government in control of all her parts such as to order via the national directorate, a chemical attack internally nor externally.  Were the government held together and accountable through President Assad, and he in control, there would be a sufficiency of his policy and executive order tracing for accountability and resolve.  The UK cannot yet accept that trustable capacity, nor entirely prove his responsibility.


The UN meets this afternoon to assess the matter via resolution, the UK has decided to await that.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

President Obama Addresses Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Purpose

President Obama, a black American, calls for a renewal of the truths and virtues of Dr. King in a recall of the his ethic in a strong address   which also re-asserted the President’s social political values at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC this afternoon, on the occasion of Dr. King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech fifty years ago today. and other networkls televised the speech  LIVE .

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Old Profile Element of this Blogger

“… Who hears the noise when the ants go on the march? … ”

Blog Test

Google has a new Google+ replacing syndication (ATOM) with the Blogger Blogging.  Also the profile is now merged with Google as Google tries to enhance that group.  And this is being composed and remotely transmitted by a desktop Windows Live Writer program of the old Windows XP (not available the same way in Windows 8)

To Play the TURK

It has been difficult for the United States, and the great powers of the world to resist the impulse to govern and punish nations of the Mid East; that is .. to play the Turk. Turkey before post WWI dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire, ruled most of the Mideast nations as provinces. Sending in the Turk, or playing the Turk has been a favorite critical satirical goad of mine. When a highly and proud and previously functioning nation as Syria has been faulted by the United Nations, punishment, also of that of a criminal charge's nature, should also be the job of the International Court of Justice, a UN Agency which the US has declined to wholly recognize (due to apprehensions of past US Presidents). Only a wholly immediate danger can be preemptively attacked. When a nation is charged in the case of Syria with material human rights wrongs, the process is investigation, and a criminal or a UN Security Council charge. That is followed by a resolution of international action. The act is to limit a danger and injurious risk capacity. In Syria's case, for the US, of course, Israel is the prod. Israel can be injured by crude and sophisticated weapons and those aimed at psychological hysteria in such a politically run population as Israel's. The US need not unilaterally nor multilaterally punish. President Assad is not in total control of Syria's parts nor the military council with his father's influence. The proper course is a UN instruction to account for the alleged weapons use, an inspection, and to sustain a desist. A non-UN pre-emptive course will create a TILT in a civil war, and broaden it. No greater course of needed action has been proved. No renegade nor accidental course has been dis-proved. Sadly, the Swedish UN Weapons Inspector during the Iraqi war prelude, yielded to the Real-Politik circumstance, that the Americans and the British could not take the itch of not knowing. Lets not re-do that. An AP (Associated Press) story this morning, explained: a 2 AM crash and bang (explosion)... a sudden strong smell of chlorine, and rotten or burnt onions (the chemical attack or accident of war damage??) If the POTUS yields to bad advice (Clinton style) to boost his foreign policy morale after Egypt, I as a US citizen will seek his resignation, or Impeachment. The President of the United States of America does not PLAY THE TURK!