US Senate Race - Massachusetts
Scott Brown, now Senator by by-election to fill the vacancy in the US Senate caused by the death of Senator Kennedy is seeking re-election to a full term. He is running against a nice woman Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard University Professor. Senator Brown (GOP) has had several key votes including those affecting US Fiscal policy, and banking derivatives legislation. He has served admirably, voting clearly differently than his predecessor, but with a non-robotic integrity. He thinks and votes independently, and has not problem dispelling partisan votes, when cast,as the right decision. He deserves the seat and should be re-elected. Without any regard to party, this Independent (undeclared) blogger endorses him (he is a Republican) and offers good grace to Professor Warren.
Professor Warren has expressed confusion on a few points: she produces ads with working people around her (only suggested factory workers are working people these days) - but works in an office while her opponent is seen in ads at manufacturing centers state wide.
With a veiled gauntlet hurl as the women’s candidate - she is embarrassed by the domestic duties sharing background of a TV newscaster married Senator who would be a domestic relations dream.
Lastly, as a product of the endless tuition hike and personnel cost spiral of schools like Harvard University, which are paid by blank check student borrowing from Federally insured loans, she can do nothing but squawk about a $1 trillion in student debt. She is a standard producer-inducer-beneficiary of that debt through her employing institution’s salaries and benefits to her which come from student loan paid tuition and fees payments. Is she ending it? She gives no answer.
She also seems perplexed at her native ancestry claims. Most –especially lawyers – would ask the tribal ancestry qualification standards. But this seems Greek to her. ( I may be a little ‘metis’ myself; but I do not offer to stand in a directory as a mostly Caucasian example of Native American achievement.)
She’s had one good free break – without endorsing her, or explaining that she was running against Senator Brown, CBS Early Show, had her as a guest speaker due to some TARP experience on the aftermath of JP Morgan’s derivatives. Senator Brown had cast a key deciding US Senate vote against a derivatives killing measure (the vote was a good strong one against populist non-reason). He was offered no equal time by CBS News.
Remember any good blogger or pundit’s advice – just vote. And vote you’re interests.