Sunday, July 16, 2006


The United Nations must condemn and stay Israel mlitary invaion in this past few days over-reaction to a capture of two Israeli soldiers.

No great power, the United States and any other of the Group of 8, should endorse the grossly disproportiona Israeli militar offensive. That they, and Irael can conceive of no other course than full invasion joined war destroys the international power and credibility of any responsible nation.

Hezbollah -- a Sinn Fein-IRA like Lebanese faction has launched rockets and raided Israeli camps before. For this and other 'terroristic' acts --though represented in a newer Lebanese Parliament, has been placed on a terrorist list. That list has not been updated since the Syrian troop withdrawal, nor since the Lebanese attempted a unity government they joined with promises to address their militant arm.

The American pro-Israel bias in blank check from is embarrassing and evidenced by the following:

-tips to American Bush connected investors benefitted from a stock market and fuel prices flux tip before the Israeli invasion.
-President Bush has instructed American military forces to stand-by off Lebanon and help rescue and remove up to 25000 Americans working, studying, living or touring there -- but they as Americans mst pay per capita for their rescue flight to nearby Cyprus. (source: ABC News 7-16-06 Evening Edition).
-President Bush stated to Prime Minister Siniora that he stands by Lebanon but condemns Hezbollah (which is a part of Lebanon) and has asked the Israelis to take care with their targets to avoid hitting Americans and their interests.
- The Bush Administration has never alone nor internationally, assisted Lebanon in incorporatng Hezbollah's guerillas in the Lebanese aremd defense force nor intiated positive nation building there; and instead seems to prefer a polcy of rekindling Lebanons diviseness by Christian-Sunni & Shi'ite sects as has Israel to weaken a country horribly damaged by 16 years or civil war -remember the Green Line days in Beirut? nor respectably, honestly sought improved relations with Syria - declaring the country impossible or forfeit. Lebanon was founded in 1943-49 from the old French Levant mandate.

-Presidnet Bush has communicated privately -that although a ceasefire is immediately possible, that he would prefer to give the Israelis time to 'mess Hezbollah' up a little bit. More than 115 Lebanese have been killed - mainly civilian non-combatants -women and children and elderly .. and the country is choking with frightened and scattered refugeees.

Israel claims a compelling need to redress Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon - but Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] have blockade and attacked beirut's harbor -the nations main fuel and suppy port, other ports up the coast; bombed and idsabled the Beirut airport; and destroyed highways to and from Southern Lebanon - further trapping thousands of civilians.

Israel has by inernational law in its choice of redress by massive force and invasion committed a reprisal --which is a war crime -against the collateral civilian population.

A nation which expects to be alloweda hot pursuit lesser counter-attack against a raid does not soften up the country's main transportation and international access points unless planning a lengthy invasion. (Standard military pre-invasion blitzkrieg).

Israels 'make safe' plans have actually escalated to a hotter full war footing and caused a dozen more deaths by Hezbollah missile attack as far as Haifa .. with possible new attacks reaching beyond 22 miles into Israel. The new and more damagin hezbollah retaliatory and defensive attacks are lawful under international law as contrasted to Israel's soldier capture pretext to a surprise invasion.

Israel saluted Syria's troop withdrawal from Southern Lebanon after the scadalous taint of the Lebanese presidential assassination, with this invasion -- made an option by Syria's military retreat. Syria has with other Arab neighbors shown support for Lebanon and remarkable mlitary restraint by averting a widening inflammatory military engagement. yet president Bush -- endorsing Israel as a power proxy has condemned Syria.

Israel's lesser options include:
- a cross-border counter commando raid
- diplomatic negotiations and a prisoner exchange (Lebanon and Hezbollah via news reports has reported the prisoner Israelis well-kept, alive, and treated per the Geneva convention.)
- taking Lebanon and Hezbollah to the UN
- a lesser airstrike at Hezbollah positions alone yet - accurate - yet less than a full aerial bobing campaign and invasion.
- this is Israel's thrord major invasion of Soiuthern lebanon in 20 years --Prime Minster Begun --stunned and saddened by the excess and criticism in the first one - resigned from public politics. Aerial Sharon, then a general was indicted for war crimes in the miltary excess and excedance of civilian orders. As Prime Minister Sharon, attempted the same tactic of security fantasy with an invasion by his government of Lebanon.
Prime Minter Olmert, with an opposition-free Israeli unity Cabinet (including Shamon peres as Foreign Minister-Vice PM) is attempting the third Israeli security fantasy in Lebanon. Missiles and rockets come heavier hourly now by news reports.
- the Menachem Begun Likud party invasion disaster in Lebann was halted by hs resignation, as he was being contested and brought down by the opposition of Yitzak Rabin and Peres.
- Prime Minister Olmert bizarrely co-formed a new party: Likud 2 to press for peace leaving the war -makers in old Likud. Evidently, there is no difference.
- Israelis have no political Prime Ministerial choice by Knesset-Parliamentary caucus or no-confidence vote anymore - because choices are limted to the to three or four national popularity contest vote getters. No new blood can be advanced readily to Prime Minister.
- Israeli lobbyists amd agents have seduced the Bush Administration into uncriticality vis a vis Israel and likely without an instant ceasefire pushed peace possibilities back thirty years.

Israel has alternatives other than war, and the world community has immediate ceasefire options via UN authority and regional and world military power which can save more lives than the 150 or so already lost -- mainly civilians.

President Bush has lead the world community to delay a ceasfire, siding with the growing fascistic mood favored by Israel, and preferring to allow a few punishing days.

Conclusion --the war crime prevails - lives are lost - and President Bush may face impeachment - for charging to rescue American lives.

Condem Israel


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