Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Yahoo! News Message Board - Putin Makes Historic Visit to Israel

Scott Connolly ( has sent you a Yahoo! Message Board posting
Personal message:
About Pres Putins Israel visit.

Putin Makes Historic Visit to Israel

Yahoo! News
Yahoo! News Message Board

Energy Calculus:: Costs & Cognizance

Energy Calculus::Costs & Cognizance
by: scottconnolly2001 (54/M/West Springfield, Massach) 04/27/05 05:47 pm
Msg: 4923 of 5016 �
Posted at YAHOO Message Board

Fortunately,this President is again meeting the energy needs of his countrymen with the better and classic form - expanding supply to address price and demand.
We are not greenhouse trapped; nor incapable of cleaner efficiencies in energy use and production.
As in the best and better minds of 1973 --energy costs and cognizance of that cost have grabbed America.
We know how to budget ourselves and buy for the price we need. Substitutions of fuel forms more appropriate to stationary electricity production will adjust supply and price for the fuels we need for vehicles -transportation -portability.
Should say however, as a qualifier, that my great-grandfather owned and became rich on livery stables and blacksmiths in 19th century Boston - though I prefer the modernity - the science and economics of this message and plan.
As long as we trade (do business internationally) America need also never fear buying abroad - and nothing like an import's price speeds a domestic or cheaper article for it in fair commerce.
Reposted from an earlier posting about 3:20 pm.