Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pebble Mine

Alaska’s pebble Mine project situated in Bristol Bay Alaska is an enterprise of natural values destruction extorted in trade to a jobs hungry regional and native population.  Its developers do not say what the employment carrot truly is,.   It is a displacement of native Alaskan milenniae old values and true employment through its maintenance.  More jobs will  go to migrated personnel than to the native populations.

A risk to fisheries –materially anadrynous salmon is incalculable and the damage irreversible.  Few mining operations have ever done anything save protect humans after the pollution of headwaters and groundwater by water purification in the mining aftermath.

Write your Congressman and US Senator; write the Pebble Mine  project owners; and write the Alaskan Government. 

Those weighing material votes for Sarah Palin ought to ask her about her values.  Most Alaskans will not be bought off by a simple resource sharing check from royalties.  They will still live there!

WIKI has  an excellent summary of the project at the www link below.