Death of Osama Bin Liden – US Warrant From 1996-7
Osama Bin Liden’s death is buoying for America. It closes an activity which commenced with an indictment by a US Federal Grand Jury in the mid-nineties for conspiracy to murder Americans at Embassy attacks and bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Present US Attorney-general was a deputy AG at the Justice Department in those days, with Atty Gen’l Janet Reno. Both with FBI Director Freeh advocated the positive of the legal criminal indictment and apprehension process.
A published account (past press, news stories) of a Delta Commando raid to apprehend al Quaeda terrorists and accomplices in Afghanistan; which would have included Mr. Bin Liden himself, was launched in the Clinton Administration in 1996 into Afghanistan. The risky mission to capture and return some of those operatives sheltered and trained at Bin Liden’s post-Soviet Afghan invasion terrorist “Jihadist” training camp nearly succeeded, until at the point of the US commandos rendevous with one or more their prizes, a force led by Osama Bin Liden arrived on horseback [a white horse] and began attacking, ambushing, the Americans in their operation – actually approved or ignored by the then loose Taliban government. Bin Liden attacked and killed at least one American involved in that commando raid, a killing for which he was additionally indicted under US law. Bin Liden was alleged wounded, marginally by the Americans but not disabled.
In pursuit of that danger, President Clinton resolved to apply cruise missiles in an attack on Bin Liden’s compound; but which did not end the risk, stop the terror; or finish the job.
In political hay-making criticism against the Bush Administration in George W. Bush Jr.’s re-election campaign, and the 2000 elections; Mr. Clinton forgot his political cop-out in not finishing the job in 1996.
For some reason or other, Clinton would do no more in effectuating the elimination of the Bin Liden risk after 1996-7. Bin Liden was further wounded in those missile attacks at his compound, again marginally, but mightily in ego. Clinton left him alive for that festering wound and criminal vengeance motivation which any American President might have had to face in 2001.
President Obama is praised as with his predecessor Pres Bush Jr., for an American Government institutional strengthening and resolve, which has finally gotten the job done.
For Clintonites in the mob-machine side of the US Democratic Party – the cosmetic front, which butted heads with competency in his own administration, was enough. It is hoped that America never sees the “give me a break” crowd in high national office again. It cost us a decade and a half from that under criticized unfinished 1996-7 assault, and remains a sorry score of American populism combined with abusive partisanship.
Bin Liden is now dead, and may God have mercy on him; and May God Save the United States of America.