Friday, June 04, 2010

BP .. (British Petoleum) Accountability

BP will not be an enabled responsible party at fault, or responsible for an under-imagined production disaster without income.

BP receives profits from oil production, and revenues  from ventures, as a newly recast forward mixed-green energy company.,

BP doesn’t need the hurt from a boycott.  No other energy/petroleum company can and will instantly today face BP’s enormous responsibility without liquidating.   The profits and of BP are  from revenues – created by ventures and retailing energy. 

With BP’s P/E adjustment in its stock, today is the opportunity to buy and shape a responsible ocmpany. 

If people care about corporate viability (remember Johns-Manville?) then they should buy BP products and account them to environmental damages relief.  Its cheaper than taxes and doing what a bankrupted or injured company cannot afford to do.  Every Gulf Coast concerned should expect a return and enablement to those damaged in that region.  Boycotting BP injures them.

Petroleum from underwater – deep water ventures is tremendous.   None in America forget the quantum of energy available by the production motive – for profit. 

That profit delivers capital  by profit for re-investment and dividends and stock appreciation.  It’s the source for  - rescues; accident reversals; damage payments; all leverage for more relief and  - yes- exploration.

BP is one of the best and finest at what has done with energy -  petroleum discovery and delivery.  Disposing of it would be catastrophic and recessive.

Its executives believe it can bring home the product and undo its damage, and encourage green economies .. but revenues are needed.

This blogger understood but cautioned against windfall profits on oil companies in 1973’s embargo enriching year.  Energy companies would need monies from revenues and ordinary tax rates to amass capital to discover and produc emore energy.  That was a generation and a half ago.

That confidence and taming and good resolve, is what makes America different and continuing as a nation and an econimic sphere with her trading partners.  We have no intention of stopping.

Should deepwater oil extraction be impossibly costly and risky, BP and the other USA  energy MNC’s will be the leaders in halting.  A decision made by costs/risks analysis and return.

BP knows and is accepting the cost;  please don’t add to it; unless another more responsible corporation is funding and buying.

Or if BP should irresponsibly give up.  A government takeover then would be less than the GM assumption  as majority stock holder by the US government; ditto insolvency.


Capital and profits offset losses and the costs of damages repair