Saturday, March 27, 2004

China - The RRENEGADE Mainland

China - The RENEGADE Mainland

Almost in the Weird News Department - China -the Aisan elections specialist has warned Taiwan over election turmoil on the island. China will get impatient if Taiwan lets the situation 'spin out of control'. One can hardly wait for China's elections as promised by the 2008 Olympics. A better bet is some incident which lets democracies out with a good boycott as with the Soviet Olympics.
Maybe Taiwan's democracy could host 'goodwill games' or teach China democracy lessons. Let's see - that would be self-government where the government is chosen by contested multi-party elections with free speech -lots of criticism, TV and newspaper ads and posters, secret ballots -recounts -and well, yeah once in a while a rowdy demostration or two.
A tatse of China's mind on democracy at the Yahoo news search link above.

PAK's AlQuaeda Corner Give USA-Russia Opt's

PAK's Al-Quaeda Corner Gives USA-Russia Opt's

Pakistan's Army cornering of Yaldashev -who by news reports is a top "Al Quaeda" figure and the leader of the Uzbekistan Islamic Movement - give the USA and Russia allied opportunities for matters pertinent to their security. Pajistan's work should be rewarded. Waziristan's attempted Taliban and AlQuaeda border loyalty co-option has produced headaches for Pakstan an d Afgahnistan. The Uzbeki islamic Movement also was a feared ferryer for acquired old Soviet radioactive materials via the Kush and interior trails and aided Chechnyan rebels. Russia and the USA with monies can supplement the assistance Pakistan has not always been able to give under-funded Waziristan to cement their loyalty to the national government - often pre-occupied with the bomb, Kashmir and India. Ths would be newer ground for Russia and old hat for Washington. (For its security benefit it would be cheap assistance).
Seen this way - Al Quaeda's Zawahiri tape is an old watch the border for us and we'll pay, arm, or protect you 'whore's trick. Islamabad should counter this with more aid --and the USA and other benefitted parties can supplement money for Pakistan's goal in this critical crossroads. It should be part of the Afghanstan security package.
Yahoo Yaldash news search News-Yahoo via AP on Yaldash MSNBC Tahir Yuldash [Yuldashev]

Monday, March 22, 2004

Mofaz' Maniacal Murder Mission

Mofaz' Maniacal Murder Mission

Sadly, Israel's assassination of Sheikh Yassin should have been no surprise -save it was buried over the weekends press. The article below was published 24-48 hours before the Yassin murder.
It highlights Israeli Defense Minister Mofaz' incrimination in targeting Hamas and other Gaza leaders for killings - tandem with any Sharon pushed Israeli withdrawal. American observers will recollect this Israel tactic of murder - which is criminal activity - in the attacks a year ago Christmas in the West Bank.
International Law forbids assassination as a policy or tactic in international relations - particularly when committed by an occupying power. Theses acts are war crimes.
AP story (03/22/04) referncing Israeli Defense Minister' Assassination Plans
YAHOO News Mid-East

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Yassin's Assassination Tragic Misjudgement

Yassin's Assassination Tragic Misjudgement

-psted by this blogger - about 11:25 est-usa at Yahoo message board -
This murder by Israel is horrific -- Sheik Yassin represented a force which could not address nor deal with Israel without a buffer -the international community has failed him and Palestine on this one. It is a sad loss- Hamas and Palestine are entreated to seek international criminal justice -against P.M.Sharon if necessary. Sharon's government is responsible - and he should resign and surrender those responsible if not his sole decision.
What can Palestine and Hamas do? but wait an unconditional Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. It is wrong -shameful - cold blooded murder intended to inflame Palestinians. To target and kill a man of Yassin's stature after his prayer at a House of God.
Hamas was co-founded by him -- he was not its mlitancy leader -- he was its father.
Hamas has to deliver the peace - -the international community has to bring Sharon to Justice. This assaasination is a war crime.
As to the peace process -President Bush should condemn the murder and materially cut US-Israeli aid.
Israel will never kill all Palestinian nationalists - and the terror cycle still must end.
One hopes Israel has not ignited war.

Sheik Yassin is mourned - his death's revenge is not wanted - bring the peace and prosecute Sharon - only he could have authorized this targeting - or his government is uncontrollable.