Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Japan’s Dirty Bomb

Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear event is a compound of mind’s anxiety and public health and safety.   No it is not a bomb, as in atomic explosive device,  nor is the “dirty bomb” a nuclear one.  But the fray and play on Japanese nerves and anxiety, and the marginal compounding  of health risk and property impacts with no full pick up and wash down in sight for at least a month, raise the old spectre  and favorite psyche of terrorism

Fortunately, this event, while not as light in materials and fast as a plane accident and not a nuclear explosion, is a man harnassed event – being kept from turning to runaway.

The dirty bomb uses conventional explosions to scatter radioactivity of any obtention over a space and emit radiation by lesser fallout and metal chemical contaminations.

Japan’s accident with Fukushima still bombards with source and chain reaction radiation – today’s news bringing neutron radiation beams [] from an assumed chain reactive fissile source – a serious break down of shielding and containment; but at risk until the piles in spent fuel pools and the reactors are fully controlled.  Neutron radiation penetrates like gamma and can leave greater radioactivity even in human life forms behind.  It was the plan behind the neutron bomb while leaving property intact.  Happily, the neutron radiation has been light and inconstant – and the reason fro an evacuation zone.

No humane or knowing group wish the high-tech and science and environment sensitive Japanese ill – but for the grace of heaven and  God,  go we.  May society learn the cost and maintenance of safety by this event, and may Japan clean that area and prosper.

Now to endure the psyche of the radiation exposure, the heightened latent life risk, and the cabin fever of and with the Japanese.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Libya’s Nation

As this is written, a world seeking a resolve of national self-government for the country of Libya, has attacked that land in a restriction of its military power.

An intervention in a civil war? By textbook without quibble, perhaps.  That however would require that one reference an oligarchic family concern, a plantation by gunpoint and loyalties purchase,  as a nation.   Libya is not the Cote d’Ivoire.

In advancing the UN protectorate case without external occupation of the country, the United Nations is by its power, its member nations acting in capacity to save lives in Libya –  fulfilling the purpose of the UN Charter.  Life saving? yes, save the pro-Gaddafi forces who may die but who defect from anti-public mercenary work anytime.

To have called the couched Gaddafi a nation by reason of his filial hand-off to a tank commander fantasist, and a cheap academic laurels buying plagiarist, is to materially cheapen life for the people who must endure that anointing.

As to the Constitution of the United States, and other UN members, the protocol would be a UN Security Council Resolve accepted and implemented by UN members, communicated as a deed, a task to each government.  By itsa processes, the United States executive, other than instant exigency of military and naval option, must  speak to Congress.  Our law clearly, prefers that transparent commitment communique be made to Congess, as well as the appropriation for the doing.  America is not alone in this constitutionalism, and no dictat nor fiat to oust a dictator-oligarch is required. [cf Senator Lugar - CBS Face the Nation 03202011 today]

Qaddafi and his family must leave Libyan politics and power.  Some of them permanently by cause of past crime and involvement.  If the Libyan people desire it, the remaining Gaddafi clan may participate in a broader consensual electoral delegation of government.  The slaughter of an opposition, by ethnic qualification is genocide – whether it is by murder as in Rwanda, or neglect of social services  to the opposition in Zimbabwe. 

The UN cares.  It is moved like a classically isle’d chancellor which posture requires the function of a court of nations.  This World Court of action has resolved to save human lives in Libya from a manic slaughter.

Let it be done – legally, professionally, coalitively and effectively.