D Day
Men and women will gather tomorrow to collect their memory and recall their history of the great event which began the liberation of Europe from militarism and genocide the 6th of June 1944.
Few living persons ever have the experience modernly to know and endure their countrymen and their country in a state of conquest and subjugation. Whether placed now, proximate to the great distant cause of some other nation's plight or their own national ground, the effect is the same. To acquiesce would be to destroy and to eliminate a national language, a culture, to forfeit the ground on which they lived or were born.
Just as in an ancient time when an avaricious zealous uniter of China would kill, expel and assimilate by the sword and womb all alien in creating and planting a new race by empire, so was the NAZI Reich of Germany. The cost of our defeat, opponents' victory, unendurable, and too costly to allow. National leaders described the alternative, as the death of civilization - their civilization of the arts, and democratic republican governments, of liberty, their way of life.
American Minutemen emboldened by their united efforts in arms on the North American continent took the contest of their values and their property to arms. Arms borne against their own countrymen when they fought for independence. The same spirit rejoined to carry their bearing of arms for the liberty of strangers from slavery and other inhuman, in-humane conditions - that they would share their values as one people - of many roots races and faiths.
D DAY - a code phrase for debarquation day represented that spirit of triumph of men and women in arms today. Whereby a force equipped and trained, instilled of liberty and aiming for the return or grant of it would prevail against all other human forms of organization, and endure.
Let us remember in a short time here, a precious pause incomparable to any breadth of time in the heat of battle, our ancestors who did that here on this day; that which they did in so many other theaters in that Great War with allies and friends, so that this day could arrive and lives endure.
And we pray that none of our living generations nor our sons and daughters ever have to weigh a balance of subjugation and racial and ethnic elimination from this planet; yea though that they ever did, they would call upon their spirit, our spirit and that of their makers, the aid of the same tools and fortitude of restoration.
D Day is a great anniversary in the saga, the secular religion called freedom - the domaine, the dominion of the free.
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