Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Massachusetts State Higher Education Tuition Break For Illegals

Massachusetts State Higher Education Tuition Break For Illegals
Massachusetts in a bill House #1230 proposed by State Rep LaFleur & Senator Barrios of Cambridge, proposes to permit illegal aliens to attend state colleges and universities at in-state resident tuition rates, if they have applied for adjustment of status or citizenship per the news account at Channel 22-WWLP the Springfield Massachusetts NBC affiliate.
As proposed, the bill would sustain a variant of state amnesty for illegal aliens permitting them to pursue a higher education advantage in state facilities as if a resident of the state. It appears to rely heavily on current immigration law which can permit a pending applicant to have the status of American residency until the US INS actually rules against them. In past immigration matters, this pendancy has been humanely individually resolved or permitted for short term employment pending a green card application; and of course medical emergencies.
As the story reads, the Massachusetts College President quoted has made a ludicrous defense of the prospect claiming that Massachusetts declining legal population would benefit by the immigration (ie as if in any kind) a rather ridiculous over-reach --and actually unconstitutional. This blogger, as most in Americans -sustains systemic uniform LEGAL immigration.

Per the news story and the latest House of Representatives calendaring - the vote is scheduled for Wednesday.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Alito Supreme Court Nomination

As always today in a conservative admnistration, the issue for the Democrats will be the nominee's political action rather than his qualifications.
Hence, abortion will be a confirmation issue; yet the better issue of judicial activism will not be.
Filibustering will become an issue; re-explained and defended by the legislative branch; yet it may not be permitted to change the constitutional process of nomination by enlarging the votes needed to confirm a nominee.
A nominee's qualifications for the bench: his character and committment are the best considerations in this blogger's political ethic.
So should go the Judge Alito nomination.

Were the US Supreme Court to deny modern abortive rights as any US Court in a conceivable majority coalition may do; there would be a firestorm of public protest; and a likely duofold enshrinement of the right in counter preservation - first by Congress in resolving a constitutional interpretation; followed by a national amendment process; lastly by a change of Congress in the closest next election, and an aftermath for the next presidental election.

States would counter and preserve the federally diminished right and sustain that through suit; and women with men would travel abroad or undergound for relief by the medical process.

This us a political process by which we confirm our federal judges - it is adequate; applauded most times; and will continue. Let's proceed.