Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hello Test ..This should show as an update at @Duoscottmcon as well.

TWITTER @Duoscottmcon

This blogger has availed himself of a spot at Twitter; which link is above, and this blog may occasionally co-publish there. Also available at TWITTER is their new Twitter-Search site

GIRO & Universal Sports

The GIRO d'Italia is being broadcast in partial delayed form daily from 12pm to 2pm EDT-USA on the UNIVERSAL SPORTS televisioon network. NBC affiliated, it is usually broadcasting on sub-channels of the new DTV channel allocation of many NBC affilaiates via the open air. It may not be available by satellite or cable in some areas.

Credit Card Protection Bill

Congress is now considering a disclosure and protection bill for credit card holders/users, aimed at consumers. As the prior blog post noted, the bill is a waste of legislative time, if the same goal can be reached by newer regulations empowered by the 1968 Truth in Lending Act.

Monday, May 11, 2009

FWD: "We Shall Remain" on American Experience on PBS is commended and on now. A five part series.

Truth in Lending Act

The Truth In Lending Act with its Regulation Z should provide adequate power for the Obama Administration to issue warnings and disclosure for all consumers. In place since 1968, 41 years ago, this is one of the leading laws in the world on the subject matter and was ahead of its time in 1968. It contains more than enough delegatory regulatory authority to issue new regulations for sharper (clearer) credit card disclosures; and to ban certain ambigous obfuscated lendcing language.

Lets go Obama Administration ... and if you bozos on staff did this to him, then resign!