Thursday, August 10, 2006

Aviation- Tranquility & Hysteria

Caring and calming about aircraft and aviation security these days?


- Cost & effectiveness of airline passenger screening (passenger screening or ridiculous passenger screaming regulations)
- Perils & problems of passenger accessible carry-on baggage & articles
(the US TSA banned certain carry-on lquids &gels this am ... the UK in heightened security bans all carry-on articles save wallet & passport on UK carrier originating & domestic flights in security pinches (todays BBC News above)
- Security of parked, stationed aircraft (like securing the building or stadium against constant bomb threats)
- Airport security in question (see US Department of State for specific airports at risk lists) - different countries differently assess aviation risk.
- Hold government to account in anticipation and scrutiny of risks
- Consider what can be brought on board that would harm passengers or aircraft in flight
- Aircraft structural security (ie what can explode and damage a plane in flight -- including size considerations)
- Hostage-taking risks inflight - & consequenes of that extotion, including crew cabin access

- Find out how much time is spent relaying 'danger' and 'risk' information and how speedily it can be forwarded to necessary parties. (If your Prime Minister is vacationing in the Caribbean, is the 'tip' or risk warning delayed in communication to another country's government byreason of waking or contacting the vacationer? - Explained otherwise, are Americans supposed to have a British MI-5 or Scotland Yard mind-reader so as to share information?)

Again, hold professionals who make this a daily PAID affair for themselves to account. Please do it.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Lebanon Ceasefire

Lebanon has proposed a ceasefire which is wholly acceptable and commended. It returns the power responsibility to Lebanon's sovereignty, and was similarly proposed at the war's start.

Israel can accept it. Only a flagrant disempowerment of Lebanon can justify an alternative occupation. Trust and allow the UN 1559 process to continue -- it had been partly fulfilled in the ongoing integration of Lebanon's Army.

America and other UN parties can assist in transport logistics ..and Lebanon can re-occupy and guard and govern her own land.

CNN & BBC & CBS News both reported the ceasefire proposal this morning & evening.

The Ceasefire in Lebanon

Lebanon's position on Ceasefire is endemic and necessary to the form. Israel must out itself -- extract or be extracted; commt to an unconditional withdrawal of its force to points within Israeli borders as immediately as possible at ceasefire's effect.

An international community cannot endorse Israel's over-reaction to Lebanon's border violation by accepting a full war.

Israeli forces by joint command agreement will be protected in extraction by a full comand order via lebanon to its forces. The ceasefiere would be enforced . .defense of oneself and troop in whole or part understood. and expected whiule retreating.

The UN and other third parties can provide instant 'hot-line' relief for the ceasefire's safety. Multi-national forces and buffer zones --ie DMZ's and no-fly zones can be quickly affirmed afterwards. However the situation critically requires Israel's recognition of an over-force reaction, and the Lebanese border and her sovereignty. A defeat will not be tolerated.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Connecticut Senate Race-- VOTE FOR JOE !

Connecticut's Senate Race ends this Tuesday -- Primary Election Day in Connecticut. Senator Joseph Lieberman -- the Senator from Connecticut who ran with Liberal Al Gore as his Vice Presidential partner is up for re-nomination. His opponent is Norm or Ned? Lamont, a millionaire businessman cable TV executive.

Mr. Lieberman faces the quandary of many long serving good incumbents -- he is too successful; too reasonable; and too broad minded. That destroys partisan politics - but creates issue politics.

Good politicking, called compromising by some, can cost. If he really has disenchanted many Democrats who have, in the student and New York suburban rich state, who have embraced anti-Iraqi War polics - so be it. They may fly to Lamont as if by magic carpet. If not, then rally to a good man and re-elect him.

If he wins Tuesday's primary election -- no problem for Democrats. If he loses, the centrist, and Liberal Democrat -- except for some on the war issue, will run for his seat as an independent. Not as apart wrecker -- but for the causes of his and his constituency's values.

This blogger 'scottmcon' wholly endorses Mr. Lieberman -- for his experience, his savvy, and his good conscience. Joe Lieberman is being castigated by his party's anti-war wing because he cannot deny or say no to a Just Cause; not even a Republican President's bi-partisan's Operation Just Cause. He has endorsed helping another nation to reconstruct itself in freedom.

Many Connecticut voters in the tight party regulars event -- no last minute cross-over voters Tuesday - pre-registered Democrats, should remember the experience and seniority three terms - 18 years - gives to a US Senator. Many good Democrats should remember the good stride and style of Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson of Washington State. Lieberman is a Scoop Jackson Democrat.

Cannot remember who coined Lieberman an "Emergency Republican" as a vote in the 2000 presidential election -- but it fits. On war and defense issues - - he'll vote in good consicence for security and a good defense - -like Scoop Jackson did (and without the Boeing factory either) and as a good Democrat.

Lastly, do the well-meaning anti-war and anti-Lieberman Democratic voters understand that a sure three-way post Primary contest would pit the centrist Lieberman against any Democrat with similar values and any Republican? Three into two equals: [?].

No Democratic Senator will beat Joe Lieberman on their party's bread & butter issues. None will be more rationally sounded or Liberal.

Send Joe Lieberman back to the US Senate for his experience, his consicience - his good judgement. Vote your conscience --as he always does.

A party is a label, and a political organizing tool. A vote by a political delegate - a representative's vote is for you and for the his conscience. There will be no opportunism nor ratiocination with Joe Lieberman .. only a good vote.

Vote for experience and reason Tuesday. Vote for and in good conscience.