Tuesday, May 22, 2012


AMERICA’S 2012 Presidential election campaign needs more than CHEAP POPULIST THRILLS by both parties and campaigns.  Sizing up the electorate and attempting a posture of responsible election debate on issues, Mr. Romney (aka Mr. Mormon) is now the worst corporate raider in history.   A corporate raider, like James Garner’s CASH MCCALL film in the 50’s 60’s, is not new to business.  A business man buys a factory, cannot keep it open at cost  or profit, and closes it or sells it and betters his investment by the sale rather than the maintenance of the manufactory.  It is business, not immorality.

Recent area (Western Massachusetts) papers which  focused unsuccessfully in the 2002 governor’s race (which MisterRomney won) on past economic issues such as the closure of the AMPAD paper company in Holyoke Massachusetts.  This from the campaigning hard line partisan Democrats who will scream foul when their President is styled a junior yuppie who made his fortune before entering politics, by selling securities short – that’s arbitrage .. (on and off again the worst de-stabilizing factor in the US stock market).

For the Republican Conservative wing, Governor Romney and the GOP are flame fanning with hot buzz knee jerk populist religious issues – the Gay marriage issue, and the newly raised Roman Catholic litigation plans against the birth control provisions of the President Obama Health Plan.  This tack is likely to backfire as Mister Romney (Mister Mormon) emerges as a left-center styled  religious oddity  of a minority religion with extremely intolerant views to counter the old fashioned Roman Catholic mythical bloc.

That either campaign staff, appear ready and eager to desert any high brow intellectual issue approach to the economy, and to government limits and management appears wholly probable.  It is this insult to the educated electorate, and the basic Political Science 101 knee jerk approach which disappoints and prods this blog piece.

Governor Romney, the son of a successful and popular Michigan Governor (George Romney) who at one time was a CEO of a major American automobile manufacturer (American Motors – Rambler) knows about business and eproviding mployment by business means.  The recovery of the American automobile industry without tariff protection and the high prices with them is a major Obama Administration theme.  And it should be since a material element of the US Budget is being spent as majority owner of General Motors Corporation   (GMC), now short term nationalized.  This act by the Administration calls itself an employment maker with money from the taxpayer by Socialist job subsidy, with concurrent non-employment payments for maintenance, to failed American home purchasers in mortgage assistance.  These subsidies continue to mount and are not money-makers.  It will be apparent that an unenlightened Administration, can do little but pay subsidies to stay further micro and regional losses of payroll and social services entitlement.

The GOP attack against Obama’s government policies which affect some religions, including marriage civil liberties on religious grounds, is the GOP counter equivalent of the Obama economic attack  in populist  form against his likely rival.  Mister Obama to his capitalist credit, is a confirmed, make your personal “wad” first man, after experiencing the life of a Harvard Law School educated lawyer turned community activist & organizer.  His campaigners seem blind to the equally ethical capitalist form of Mitt Romney.  Of the two, in reality, only Mitt Romney employed or bettered an economy or capitalism by the actions of corporations purchase and trimming or enhancing or selling their assets.   Again, Mister Obama’s capitalist foray appears the more purely speculative and employment disregarding.

This weird low-aptitude base exchange now firing up, will hopefully end after the cheap political amateurs have been fired or replaced by a “higher ideal” and a campaign renews on clearer, smarter, and more poignant issues.

A few suggestions and observations:

*Americans face fewer job options of the traditional nature in the middle class than at any time since before World War II

* Americans are conscious of increasing their middle class lifestyle by an increased dependence on the Federal and State Treasuries

*Americans are concerned that the most brittle tax-base, their primary home real estate taxes, will not support the material politically cheap and costly diversion of essential and basic government services to the State treasuries

*Americans believe that Government is public safety, national defense, highways ports and airports in mixed private and government ownership for commerce, and good cheap public schools.

*Americans endorse and want cheap higher public education through existing state facilities without massive debt accumulation incurred by their student children.

*Americans prefer no National Health Service, but a taxpayer expense & credit ledger  approach to their health insurance and group health care purchase

*Americans will buy an American made car if cheap, fuel economic and practical enough (ie 120% of the minimum wage  as a constant target price for a budget automotive vehicle).  They will buy as many as they want and can, as too, imported vehicles.

*Americans like religion mixed with politics about as much as the police like mobs and Molotov cocktails at demonstrations

*Americans do not like cheap issue demagogic politics, nor a deterioration of the Presidential Race to an appearance of two desperate men, desperately wanting the office.

*Americans do not like but understand job lay-offs; and few want to subsidize the factory with loans from their money or by stock subscription.

*Americans like factory owners, sympathize with them, and do not engage in class warfare, except when necessary to close a costly unprofitable  factory or business.

*Americans like NAFTA because they see a business return in a common market.

*Americans know the bottom line and do not want nor expect FIAT employment, nor FIAT prices

*Americans buy American when they can and want to, and Americans prefer to buy from democracies.

*Americans do not like the Chinese economic and political dictatorship in Red China, particularly when Red China’s ersatz “President” promises to sit on China’s labor costs as a workshop of cheap labor for the world.

*America would like to see di-vestment from China’s economic dictatorship to reduce the trade.

*America would like all foreign military assistance engagement to flow as limitedly as that to Libya.  (They will continue the NATO UN USA role in Afghanistan in a trail down to that nation’s self security).

*Americans will note the difference in electoral style, and if the Presidential Race gets wore, they will punish the Presidency winner, and themselves with a bad Congress in the same 2012 election.