Friday, November 02, 2007

Spitzer and the Alien DL Caper

New York Governor Spitzer is proposing drivers licenses for aliens just as California considered in the first months of the Schwarzeneggar Administration. This blogger favors the Spitzer proposal for the same reasons as he did the Californian.

First it creates a database for the cross-checking of alien living compliance and fraud prevention which has to occur to reduce the trafficking in lawfully present alien & American lives.
Secondly, it assures greater driver & road safety -- an issue which already haunts many Americans with risks and concerns of foreign drivers in the USA (albeit some have Int'l DL's and their home countrr licenses under the Rio Convention).

Like California's proposal, New York does not replace the immigration bureau of the United States government. Nor will the state withhold information conducive to enforcing the immigration laws; now will the state knowingly aid and abet a counter-force to lawful immigration.

Name checks have never been tougher in the ordinary state DL system now, thanks to Congress and the states lobbying by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving); which should and can protect against out-of-state duplication.

If New York can enforce the law and prohibit corruption [bribery] enducing counterfeiting and doubled up names (a material problem and criminal advantage of the criminal immigrant underground); and require a minimum thumb-printing or index fingerprinting; then that state will have a government sharable database. That database is something California needs and stayed for the time-being. (Again, California decided against the alien DL option.)

Populist uproar aside, the permitted DL would enhance exposure of illegal alien presence and employment. And if this proposal makes them seem saps or patsies for getting one, so be it. The aliens (save in impersonated indigency) will pay for them; and receive a road or written test. A false statement will revoke the license; including the mis-use of a stolen or counterfeit one.

Now if we can just stop over friendly or collusive Americans from "losing" theirs for someone else to use; etc.


REBATE for Sirius Receivers & accessories; has become a mild hassle with the NFL-Radio Shack deal taking a licking in short-term credibility. Have just received a mail from the REBATE grouop service requiring a re-posting of the mailed qualifying bar codes etc. Seems that Sirius and their folk forgot that the receivers are sold in kits (ie, a radio & home kit or a radio & car kit); and thus for some reason the Radio with Car Kit has a different bar code that the radio alone; even though that separate Bar Code was also delivered in the first mailing.
So, patient clientele and fans, if that happens to you; just pick up the item plug-n-play etc., and photo copy the little bar code on the back of the appliance whcih includes the SID/EIN with the hacth marks and re-send away.
Will let you know the success or failure eventuality later.
(By the way, the sedondary compliance day is awfully close to the SIRIUS XM merger decision day. Is that intended?)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


No person shall hold the office of President of the United States who
is, or has been, the spouse or spousal co-habitant of the President or
past President of the United States of America.

Stopping Hillary Clinton, if unhappy with her, takes a vote. However,
this blogger as a democratic-republican and constitutionalist, prefers
that a spouse of an elected office holder, not be permitted to seek a
term in the same office as a successor to his/her spouse.

If you agree, contact your Congressman or Senator, send this, and lets
commence the process of amending the US Constitution.

Hillary may or not be elected, but this should sober the process of
nomination, and promote talent in a republic beyond the bedroom
aquaintance. Should she be elected, and this passes, she would be
in-eligible for a second term.

Should you desire her husband's politics that much, then seek a repeal
of the two-terms limitation.

No Republic is taken seriously, nor maintained in purpose, when the
greatest national office becomes a marital share or a pass-around.

In our system of government, demogoguery and populism are checked by
cognizant election of capable men and women in whom we place trust.
That they have become known and trusted by us is due to their past
elections and hard work at convincing us.

No status as spouse can equate to that essence of first public
acquaintance nor equate to the past office holder's capacity. There in
fact exists a greater risk that the spouse becomes a front for a
continuity of another now ineligible or less popular.

Mrs. Clinton, is qualified for many things, but in my republican spirit,
I cannot sustain a ride along to the White House. Were she not Mrs.
Clinton , ever, that would be another factor; and, another life.