Thursday, November 03, 2005

Cell Phone Presence & Blogging?

Cell Phone Presence & Blogging?

Always there,always need it? Cell phones for blogging and websites as casually as Geocities pages. Wink Site offers both.

For those who communicate by IMAGE and word .. offers immediate & famous blogging options by pictrue and text -from your cellular telephone! Be responsible & have fun!

Alito Nomination - a Sure Thing

Alito Nomination - a Sure Thing

President Bush's nomination of Judge Alito is bound to succeed after the earnest but miserable lay-up of Harriet Miers. While Miers is suitable as a justice nomninee in all aspects --whether one goes as far back as William O. Douglas (a Presidential counselor & friennd to FDR - but little prior judicial experience) or the success of two Rehnquist nominations -- his first from the dry shallows of the Solicitor General's Office. President Bush has nominated a splendly qualified judge - blue chip credentials with past unanimous Senate confirmation. Any Democrat planning voting against the man has found some truly material novel cause -- or joined extreme partisanism. Hence after the lackadasical lay-up of Miers .. a stellar 'dunk or 3 pointer for the Bush Administration.

Abortion will prove immaterial and trusted to current Court precedent; and likely enshrined in either greater Federal enabling law; or a safe-guard via a firm Congressional finding or medical privacy rights correctly balanced. The populism of a 'Scalito' will as always prove unwarranted --and that of a firm disciple with a mind of his own in objectivity.

-- In the long and short run - -only judicial temperament makes a difference on the bench.

(Yes the NBA season began last night!).