Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Greener By Import Substitution

America will commence a reversal of greenhouse gases chiefly through the substitution of oil imports for local resource fuels. Import substitution for non NAFTA imported fuels as the chief employment and North American economy benefit, will reduce the greater greenhouse gases derived from heavier BTU fossil fuel processes. Emphasis today on green economies with solar and alternative energies; and natural gas conversion; and the conversion of the USA automobile market to mandatory fuel efficiency and less fossil fuel combustion can not mean anything but savings. Green savings.
The anticipated carbon emissions cap will accomodate most BTU oriented thirsty fuel processes; and that substitution can benefit a greener cooler planet.
The CO2 emissions have been targeted by EPA with no real political push since the 1970's. They were then really a moot issue except when combined with a serious health risk. Modernity, fuel substitution and new energy processes can begin and inrcrease the North American greening sought by bi-partisan initiatives.
Rather than economic disaster in suppressing all natural gas conversion (estimates of 100 to 300 years supply at current worth, sustaining that energy form where practicable for electricity generation & unit/rural home heating etc, require an understanding of the BTU values of fuels.
No gimmicks either with a British coal saving BTU tax. Coking and coal improvements for clean burns create other logistical issues in fuels processing and combustion processes including wastes and water needs.
As the world seems to polarize into populist camps on the issue, let people in the middle latitudes, the tropical belts, remember that heat is life 4-6 months of the year in temperate zones; energy for lighting in temperate zones is saved with possible solar benefits in longer high latitude summer nights, thus and meet cooperatively on a global issue with compliment to united efforts.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Forest Fires & Planet Greenhouse Gases

Forest fires out of control in contributing greenhouses to the atmosphere - may be the most controllable cause we can address through curbing fuel factors. Controversy? The cost offset benefit of green-banking as a gimmick or tool.
Aversions? Let's get the tropical zone slash & burn over-with before the curbs set in.

No kidding ... extra-planetary hits on the earth may have combined with massive forest fires & dinosaur tropics ladened methane to create an atmospheric smoke cloud that caused an ice age.
Last chance desperation Hollywood style? A particulate bomb for a winter effect in either polar zone?

A forest fire in Alaska or Siberia (not counting Australia's brush fires or Southern Hemispheric volcanoes) can instantly undo or offset adversely socio-political applications in an instant and massively. Alaska's timbering request for vulnerable fuel removal in damaged forests are recurrently delayed.

Copenhagen Climate Hand-Off From Kyoto

Easy extrapolations defeated positive & material greenhouse gases & climatology remedies after the Kyoto Conference. Gases undesired - methane complexes & contributions thereto - come from combustion processes. Farms & factories & power-plants create jobs & provide utilities. Questing for someone else's ox to gore & easy fixes with "fast?" statistically interpreted results produced easy extrapolations. Cause & effect were simplified. Some nation's constituency spoke in lesser numbers.
Kyoto was felled by this kind of logic: Automobiles & gasoline/diesel fuels produce combustion induced greenhouse gases. America has the most cars & uses the most fuel for automobiles. Lets recommend that autombiles and gasoline usage be chopped as the fastest global fix. "X" amount of reduced gasoline/diesel automotive combustion instantly equals "X" amount less carbon-dioxide etc. America will have to do it and accept the blame. Unsaid: it, basically, is the best & easiest fix we can manage .. the best of all possible cause & effect extrapolations.