Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lebanon As Victim of International War Crime

Lebanon As Victim of International War Crime .. may persuade Israel and Hezebollah factions to halt hositlities immediately.

On many grounds, sadly with Israel commtting the graver roster of crimes, Lebanon has been betrayed by parties unable to accomodate rational expectations of law.

Two helpful links for lay and educated persons to understand the attempted arguments of severe wrong, crime, which can end and should deter war are listed at these links -- and this blog notes a few following the links.

Geneva Convention with Alpha-Index-guide --an edition for Journalists
Wiki-pedia Geneva Convention -- includes references regarding Islamic Laws on War

Reprisal is a retaliatory action, vengance, against other persons than those which committed a martial act .. especially non-combatants. More frequently applied to a nations behavior as occupying powers against acts or resistance groups - it can arguably apply to over-reactive militarist response against nations & factions which parts commit acts which bring punishment to a whole nation.

Surprise attacks are war crimes, since Pearl Harbor particularly -- and excessively disproportionate attacks --ie war -- for lesser acts of war can as well as the blitzkrieg itself constitute a surprise attack.

In war under law, a nation cannot hide its combat forces as civilians in order to shield them -- this does not apply where the combat is sudden and the combatants have not yet taken uniform and are engaged in return or defensive hostilities, due to the surprise attacks.
Similarly and conversely, it is a war crime to attack civilians without identifying them as the enemy target - ie the combatant of martial aim -- this applies when Israel late identifies an enemy, after bombing apparently civilian targets identifying their aim as hostilities among them -- ie. the Secretariat of Hezbollah.
The purpose of this international law of war is to protect non-combatants obviously by warning and isolation of the target away from non-combatants.
Israel has not declared war against Lebanon, and some Hezbollah targets are members of the Lebanese Government.

Civilian facilities marked and evidently obviously as such have been recklessly or deliberately targeted by Israel upon a presumption of rocket and missile conveyances, or as hiding places for Hezebolah. The crime is an inverse quantitative factor of the accidental strikes by objective analysis.
Further damage has been done by bottling up Lebanese through highway and transportation centers destruction - which of course limits their evacuations.

Nations or parties at war, are to aim their weapons at military & combatant targets. Hezbollah with a lesser guided rocket or missile, defends now with a lesser non-crime contrasted with Israel's technological capacities; yet both are at fault -- again objectivity is the inverse quantum of accidents to targets, depending on weapons used.
deliberate and unnecessary damage of civilian property is to be avoided -- this again as collateral damage - including acceptable civilian risk on targeting military or combatants, is measured inverse to the accident count.
It is to be compensated; and investigated as to its deliberation.


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