Monday, December 07, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Hand-Off From Kyoto

Easy extrapolations defeated positive & material greenhouse gases & climatology remedies after the Kyoto Conference. Gases undesired - methane complexes & contributions thereto - come from combustion processes. Farms & factories & power-plants create jobs & provide utilities. Questing for someone else's ox to gore & easy fixes with "fast?" statistically interpreted results produced easy extrapolations. Cause & effect were simplified. Some nation's constituency spoke in lesser numbers.
Kyoto was felled by this kind of logic: Automobiles & gasoline/diesel fuels produce combustion induced greenhouse gases. America has the most cars & uses the most fuel for automobiles. Lets recommend that autombiles and gasoline usage be chopped as the fastest global fix. "X" amount of reduced gasoline/diesel automotive combustion instantly equals "X" amount less carbon-dioxide etc. America will have to do it and accept the blame. Unsaid: it, basically, is the best & easiest fix we can manage .. the best of all possible cause & effect extrapolations.


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