Friday, November 02, 2007


REBATE for Sirius Receivers & accessories; has become a mild hassle with the NFL-Radio Shack deal taking a licking in short-term credibility. Have just received a mail from the REBATE grouop service requiring a re-posting of the mailed qualifying bar codes etc. Seems that Sirius and their folk forgot that the receivers are sold in kits (ie, a radio & home kit or a radio & car kit); and thus for some reason the Radio with Car Kit has a different bar code that the radio alone; even though that separate Bar Code was also delivered in the first mailing.
So, patient clientele and fans, if that happens to you; just pick up the item plug-n-play etc., and photo copy the little bar code on the back of the appliance whcih includes the SID/EIN with the hacth marks and re-send away.
Will let you know the success or failure eventuality later.
(By the way, the sedondary compliance day is awfully close to the SIRIUS XM merger decision day. Is that intended?)


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