Sunday, March 21, 2004

Yassin's Assassination Tragic Misjudgement

Yassin's Assassination Tragic Misjudgement

-psted by this blogger - about 11:25 est-usa at Yahoo message board -
This murder by Israel is horrific -- Sheik Yassin represented a force which could not address nor deal with Israel without a buffer -the international community has failed him and Palestine on this one. It is a sad loss- Hamas and Palestine are entreated to seek international criminal justice -against P.M.Sharon if necessary. Sharon's government is responsible - and he should resign and surrender those responsible if not his sole decision.
What can Palestine and Hamas do? but wait an unconditional Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. It is wrong -shameful - cold blooded murder intended to inflame Palestinians. To target and kill a man of Yassin's stature after his prayer at a House of God.
Hamas was co-founded by him -- he was not its mlitancy leader -- he was its father.
Hamas has to deliver the peace - -the international community has to bring Sharon to Justice. This assaasination is a war crime.
As to the peace process -President Bush should condemn the murder and materially cut US-Israeli aid.
Israel will never kill all Palestinian nationalists - and the terror cycle still must end.
One hopes Israel has not ignited war.

Sheik Yassin is mourned - his death's revenge is not wanted - bring the peace and prosecute Sharon - only he could have authorized this targeting - or his government is uncontrollable.


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