Vote of Confidence
Vote of ConfidencePrime Minister Blair's recent Commons vote emphasized the mortality of British Prime Ministers politically, and emphasized the American Presidential difference. Mr. Blair should have been sustained by the vote, and was. Compliments go to men and women of conscience .. who saw through an opportunity to topple the Government over a key constituency issue. That vote on the Education Bill should have been a 'free vote' in the House - but Mr. Blair nearly a month ago staked his continuity in office on it. That made the vote one of Confidence in the Government. Had he lost - and he survived by 5 votes - he would have been forced to resign or re-caucus or call elections. Conservatives in the USA and the UK also owed him one. Few would have expected Mr. Blair's centrism on Iraq from a Labour PM. There's no cheering for the Tory Party instantly either - for it was Tony Blair's own fabled Labour Left Wing. He has survived longer than any Labour Party Prime Minister. Education should be a national provisioning .. Britain is owed a mixed public-private system; and an affordable one. Meanwhile, Tony, thanks for the Alliance - and the center's always there - but don't rat! -- you don't have to - but the votes can be there. |
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