Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Obama Cares?

What President other than William Clinton with Hilary Clinton would continue to errantly mis-read and re-construe the American majoritarian desire for health care the American peoples’ way?  It would be impolitic for President Obama to go down that road.  His latetest up or down sounds like a pre-mature deGualle.

Most Americans wants access for their fellow Americans in need through a combo of market  solutions (contingent insurance & group care); and “pay-checkism”.  In the shortest aid  form – employment is cheaper and easier.

It would be expectant and wiser for Congress to splinter the bill and accomplish something.  For instance:

Transactions Uniformity to speed resolution and payment of medical care costs

Access to market contingent insurance and group care

Creation of a market intervention cost affordable minimum group care health contract, and a contingent health insurance  option.

A few more of the current bill’s problems:

Abolition of contract limitation for contractual health coverage which considers  pre-existing conditions violates the US Constitution and is a taking if pursued through condemnation.

The bill fails to eliminate the wisely recommended (ABA, AMA and others) prohibition of punitive damages for medical negligence.

Lastly, and chiefly the bill  fails to enlarge to reality, the tax expensibility  of taxpayers for their health care costs.  They would like 100%  deductibility with optional loss carryover forward or back.  This would avert the heavy reality tax levy which will be born by the USA middle class.

Last reality: 

Americans will have to bear the reality of future health care and family care with a growing baby boom seniors population; with employment and production through government for facilities; employment subsidy as needed; education and immigration of the providers if desired; and the creation of a decent permanent care package for the poor and chronically and critically ill.  This would include most oncology patients and others with diseases and maladies still in medical research or in a high cost treatment posture.

Vouchers for a Wal-Mart/US Government health care product anyone? and full preparatory costs tax deductibility with market price intervention?

Pharmaceutical costs intervention with the use of good import permissions would save additionally without forfeiting jobs in the pharmaceutical industry.

It is hard to take a system like ours seriously, when one cannot in 2010 walk in to a pharmacy, and purchase an over the counter “strep throat” test  or similar as a costs savings and personal health check.

The President’s appeal to the people on a stumping road trip is commendable  on good and important issues, but the majority which he seeks will not be there, and he will not change the one embraced here.  Let’s save time and energy.


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