House Bill 1591 -- Iraqi War Limitation via Appropriations Measure
HR 1591 as sent to the US Senate which passed the measure by 52-47 (99 Senators present and voting ..AP wire services via YAHOO-News ... link to bill text below from Thomas' & C-Span. Bill also contains minimum wage hike in its omnibus form. Bill sets deadlines for deployment after President certifies certain Iraqi accomplishments via which deadlines; Congress hopes to avert more troops and press a timetable for troop withdrawal. Certifications include: de-Baathitization of Iraqi politcs; an oil royalties distribution plan etc as actions by the Iraqi government. .. The bill also contains a provision which asserts - oddly- a power of Congress to soley declare war -- while recognizing the sole Commander-in-Chief function of the Presidency -- which war power, however, has always been a combined power under the Constitution. The bill link follows or is above; and the appropriate heading for the most pertinent Iraqi measure to date in restricting the war by Congressional policy diversion. The President is expected to VETO the bill.
Senate Voting Tally ... via YAHOO-News link here
US Constitution .. As to Congress having a sole power to declare war; it is actually a joint power with the residency. Implicit in the Constitution's history and drafting is an executive initiation and execution --ie see the receipt of Ambassadors with the C-i-C powers of the military granted to the Presidency. Why Congress cheapens itself in an argument ;; whcih should have been a resolve as to disagreement and assert a report back to it without fixed deadlines is a
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