Friday, December 01, 2006


Massachusetts new tax evading Governor-elect is phobic about account for
pst-election gifts adn advertising promotions as either taxable income
or illegal campaign contributions. Massachusetts aw gives the
Attorney-General adn interested voters a cause of action allowing a
petition for anccounting in Massachusetts Superior COurt in Suffolk
COunty (Boston).

Mr. patrick appears to fit the Carlos Marcello (Billl CLinton) & Chicago
mobe mold of politics. Waiting to be boss, he his creating a greater
massachusetts variant of Connecticut Governr John Rowland's scandal ..
but pre-offie taking.
I the Superior Court finds as corrupt practice by the transition
committee and Mssrs Patrick & Murray; and they should the ultimate
penalty would be ouster from office before swearing in .. the offices
declared vacant.

Tough from Chicago, in the graft and self-enrichment department, Mr.
atrick is no Harold Washington .. and more resembles the combo of BOSS
old Mayor Daley & Willam Bulger style.

For more info, reference Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 55 & 56.

Mr. Patrick's unregistered and unaccounted 'take', allegedly for
'administration transition expenses' could top $1 million. The
legislature has appropriated little or no mone for the activity; and the
candidates burse governmed by political contributio laws are that
treasury's awful source. Most of the contributions covering luxury
interim office space and way over cost and uncontrolled cell-phone
spending violate the $1000 corporate limit; would when/if legal require
many post-office recusals in decision making; and exceed the gift or
loan limit candidates may provide their own campaigns.

A campaign chest is expected to cover the transition to office. So
these are political gifts and expenses. Sad too that the
governor-elect's associates construe or quietly explain some of the
expense contributions as advertising promotions -- that makes then
income .. and the tax declaration for that?

Further rumor credits Bulger protegee and insider Murraywith arranging
many of the 'gifts' for a man who just cannot say no. These gifst
include family uses and receipts as well.

No proper accounting or receipt of government cost deferring
contributions ha been publicized or noted as made to him for the State's
use by the Commissioner of Finance and Administration --the State of
Massachsetts' constituional officer for that function.


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