Sunday, July 23, 2006


Who started the Israeli-Lebanon-Hezbollah War? Most future historians will state that Israel did; particularly rather than act with the restraint expected of a major power.

Oddly, President Bush mumbles Texas style 'waddaya expect' when they start launching rockets at northern Israel; and Primme Minister Blair on Wednesday last's Question Time and debate in Commons states that Hezbollah started it by launching 1400 or more rockets at northern Israel.

Timelines of events confirm that Hamas and after Hamas by a few days, Hezbollah committed military actions - cross-border raids to acquire Israeli soldiers to bargain for a prisoner exchange - which acts can lead to war --(maybe in the 19th century unless a nation is belligerent or trigger happy). Hezbollah's raid a few days after Hamas seems in support of the Palestinians.

Israel reacted with a major raid into GAZA, their occupied territory -but really a separate unrecognized nation -- with a rampaging search and destroy campaign under cover of airstrikes and armor. Hezbollah -- in Lebanon was warned to return the prisoners --alleged well to the press and treated by Geneva Concention standards but then not yet visited -- or face severe consequences.

In fewer than 24 hours (? check?) Israel launched a military offensive as if prepared for an invasion -- attacking and bombing to disable Lebanon's Beirut International Airport; and bombed to disable others of Lebanon's seven; and in succeeding hours bombed major highways, bridges -to close them; and bombed port terminals (fuels mainly); then power plants, in a punitive raid against Lebanon. Hezbollah responded - then - with a launch of a few paultry rockets Katyusha brand at anything in Israel (they are just aimed barely guided)... This old Soviet? make is a highly prejudicial hysteria producing weapon but not very damaging and is a flea in contrast to Israel bombers. (Mexicans call them cohetes - another word for darts?)

Lebanon and Gaza's Hamas group committed skirmishes -- Israel responded with full war. A nation allegedly 'noble' with humane objectives; often mythical Biblical infallibility, killed 300 mainly Lebanese civilians and foreign workers & residents in a week contrasted with the 'terror' death of 15 or so Israelis.
The Israeli killings included 8 Canadians on that first day -in the unwarned surprise attack at mainly civilian targets. Which nation started the war? Which nation chooses barbarism, which terror (ie a warlike campaign of surprise and fear maximizing civilian casualties and civilian property damage)?

Mr. Blair's House of Commons Question Time show will be on C-Span as it is every Sunday in the USA 9pm and 00:00am Sunday-Monday (again tonite time is USA-EDT). Hear it for yourself. Oh yes other Chief Executive fibs? -- Mr. Olmert's lie to the Knesset about Israeli forces entering Lebanese territory hours after an embedded CNN or MSNBC or FOX reporter entered Lebanon on the ground with them. Lying Prime Ministers resign -- or explain themselves .. lying Presidents ... well, they goof up and squirm on the vine. President Bush did promise Lebanon's President and Prime Minister July 13 that he stood behind the Lebanese Republic. Does he know who they are?

This blogger believes that President Bush, PM Blair and of course the Israelis, truly believe that the Hezbollah are unretrievably 'bad' people which Lebanon secretly wants the USA backed Israeli proxy to eliminate. They are repeatedly addressing the matter as if Israel is doing the region a favor.

A young woman with children, Shi'ite whose husband just died - he was bombed-burned-killed in an Israeli airstrike (ABC NEWS 7-22-06) -- may have been a victim because she and her family lived next-door to an Israeli airstrike target in a suburb - - a Hezbollah office offering legal and social counseling and services. (if a conjecture it can be checked out). This would suggest Israel's political vengance and assassination pattern toward Hezbollah (the party is fairly popular in Lebanon and growing in political seats and services delivery) -- and that Israel may be targeting civilians unacceptably by telephone or postal address and weak hearsay. That would be war crime.

END THE WAR now -- by ordering Israel's halt and retreat --- Hezbollah in a news alert this morning offered at least a rocket attack ceasefire.

Perhaps too, Beirut International can be re-opened for humanitarian relief -- if Israel is not really invading.

Two timelines at iternet links below from objective journalism internet sites outline the events preceding and commencing the Israeli-Lebanon-Hezbollah war from late June to today's events.
Found using a YAHOO search engine - keywords: timeline Israeli Hezbollah Lebanon War. ... via Agence France-Presse Timeline Israeli-Hezbollah-Lebanon War

al Jazeera Timeline Israeli-Hezbollah-Lebanon War


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