Sunday, February 01, 2004



Micro-meaning is the conservative management of public benefits wherein the fault and problem is the beneficiary - not the system.
Newton Gingrich - whom this pundit calls 'Newt' casually, was a 'pro' at micro-mean-ness.
In Newt's neat world everyone -save businesses- who received a Government benefit needed to be micro-managed so that they did not stay on welfare or state benefits forever; nor recieve a benefit greater than needed. So that $1 might not be wasted.
In this present all-seeing age of computer exaction and social police .. I,you, we, say as an example, cannot un-recordedly recieve welfare benefits and sit home. In reality, any illicit protegee can do so; and there is no stopping them nor uniform accounting of them - as long as the arrangement doesn't exceed 90 days.

That's what micro-mean-ing does. We as a nation have so much systemic concern for a slipped dollar or WIC coupon that we cannot provide the civil & legal rank and file with an assurance of their tax numbers integrity for employment and banking and taxation.
By micro-mean-ing the welfare mother or the social beneficiary and the pot smoker, we 'keel' society and meet the budget.
In all that realm of micro-mean acounting -you and I cannot readily discover and prosecute the illicit user of our tax number nor credentials. The government hasn't the money nor documenting capacity for it.
Just the concerns of the micro-mean manager can be watched.


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