Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Kerry Iowa Win Is Classic Politics

Iowa Caucauses 1-2-3 win for Senator Kerry - Senator Edwards & former Vermont Gov Howard Dean is - post-Iowa caucus - no mystery.
Senator Kerry - a long time plodder for the US White House, spent, and spent big to expand his message. In politics .. money often equals votes.
Senator Edwards, also a former Governor, gained by the Des Moines Register endorsement (news sources) .. and gained voter confidence by savvy of national issues including public administration savvy from his North Carolina gbernatorial experience. Iowa and North carolina vie for the country's largest hog farming title with similar issues - corporate vs. family farms & hog-farm pollution -especially aquifer & water pollution. Edwars team also benefitted from Edwards full time good field work. (He has announced he will not seek re-election and this candidacy is all or nothing)
Howard Dean's third place 17% finish -acclaimed by him as a victory (CBS News UTTM 1/20/04 03:00+est), would have been one for a little-known regional figure. However - he may have suffered a "Democrats" backlash bythe benefit of several prominent 'pol' endorsements.

Kerry & Edwards carried the confidence of Iowa's politically attuned caucus participating voters .. and Dean evidently has to convince he can win a national election. In that area both Kerry & Edwards were helped by national issues articulation ... and their foils to President Bush.
President Bush does ot debate well .. the Senate is good debator's home.

New Hampshire will test the Wesley Clark sleeper candidacy and may axe 'perilous & perennial Joe Lieberman' from the trail.
On exits as a subject, Dick Gephardt would deserve the nomination if the 'pols' ran a convention for representing all the Democratic party's values & for his career's salute. His effort, however failed to carry votes - he is unpopular as a national candidate save as Vice President.

On the matter of endorsements ...Ted Kennedy's dubious 'popularity' has probably 'troughed' in its national slide and his litmus & polarizing seemed not to have hung fellow Bay-Stater Senator Kerry -- polls will show whether he helped Kerry win.

In the end Senator Kerry the candidate who freed himself from campaign contribution limits and spending won --the old political rule prevailed --votes follow money and money follows the vote getter.


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