Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Changing Red China

Changing Red China is an international option now whch awaits American
leadership. As China has returned to liberty suppression and censorship,
the United States should move to expel China and like UN members fromt
the United Nationsfor failure to support wholly the UN Charter. Next the
USA can and should revoke Most Favored Nation Status in trade. Thirdly,
Taiwan should receive an American Ambassador and the arms she needs to
maintain her defense. This would include anti-missile missiles. It
should be done inresponse to China's returned bad faith on the civil
liberties issue and as closely to June4 as the United States can manage.
These acts in consequence for mismanagement of China 's economy and her
foreign policy will topple Pres.Hu, & PM Wei and their tong; which group
of men run a barely concealed LiPeng neo-Stalinist faction now. (Hu in
his immature fear and as a pleaser, has caved in to Li Peng's desire to
continue to steer China.
China can go ahead and sell off its US bonds which sale will de-resource
China during the recession; and the Red yuan will drop correspondingly
with demand.
American Treasury Secretary Geithner should close off his current talks
in China and return home to protest Tianenmen Square anniversary
Atthis writing, Red China has censored access to the New York Times, and
ABC-News via China's internet - materially fearing videos access to the
1989 history.
Lastly the Hummer sale must be stopped. Red China should not have that
manufacturing capacity. China's liberals would then win as Hu's

Bloggernote: prior attempts to publish this met with a freak code
scramble -- sorry for the successive tweaks via RSS syndication .. the
event was beyond this blogger's control.)


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