Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Haiti's New United States PleniPotentiary William J. Clinton

William J. Clinton is President Obama's new Special Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Haiti. That President Obama would convey an appointment of that weight to haiti via a past American president willing and ready to serve, compliments President Obama adn Haiti with much needede American attention. Haiti is among the oldest nations to share continuing relations with the United States; and the second oldest republic (despite problems) in the Western hemisphere.

Mr. Clinton's appointment by reason of his past office despite his past problems, should be placed before the U.S. Senate for affirmation. Mr. Clinton had problems with Haiti, and almost botched his foreign policy as a new Administration by taking the bait of a Cuban aided subversion of President Aristide an an excuse to militarily intervene. The adroit personal diplomacy of the offering and requested Colin Powell prevented an intervention; and permitted a United Nations backed talk down.

There is more behind the scenes preceding the Aristide ousting coup. Mr. Clinton made a political aide de camp of a Western Massachusetts Kennedy family connected criminal named Michael D. Parker, alias Michael Connolly. Michael Connolly, became the Springfield Massachusetts lawyer connected to the Clinton Administration; who had offices at Harrison Place. He was instrumental in diverting by mail theft, and telecommunications fraud, raised monies for the Aristide Foundation to the offices of Michael Connolly at Harrison Place in Springfield Masachusetts. That money was laundered and re-plyed to the same bandits in the Dominican Republic - including some old General Cedras hands - albeit Cedras was cleared of involvement - which funded and armed the ex-military & bandits led coup d'etat which destroyed the government and structure of the government of President Aristide.

The "Michael Connolly" involved is Michael D. Parker, alias Michael D. Connolly whose "Law Offices of Michael D. Parker" are at the Harrison Place Building on Main Street in Springfield, Massachusetts. The bandits referenced him as their lawyer "Michael Connolly of Harrison Place in Springfield Massachusetts". This information conveyed to me was referenced to the FBI, the CIA and the Aristide Foundation, and elsewhere in the Clinton Administration.

Michael D. Parker as Michael Connolly was made a GS-14 in a 'classified position' assignment by President William Jeffereson Clinton, personally, as a substitute of Scott Michael Connolly of West Springfield, Massachusetts. Mr. Scott M. Connolly, this blogger, was the subject of attempted communications by the Aristide Foundation. Mr. Clinton, knew of Scott M. Connolly; and knew that he was living in San Francisco and then in Honolulu, Hawaii at the time.

Mr. Michael Parker as Mr. Michael D. Connolly shares his identities with an old Massad pretending Soviet GRU-KGB operative - they look like near twin brothers - one is English language illiterate. Parker is part Russian-American from circa 1917 immigrants through New York City (Frederick Parker). As a further politics connecting note, Senator Edward M. Kennedy chose Mr. Michael D. Parker, alias Michael Connolly, as his operative to corral his former wife's correspondence & telecommunications - Joan Kennedy. She was virtually politically sequestered and censored. (A Democratic Party version of the old Martha Mitchell treatment).

Mr. Parker alternately styles himself a member of the Mafia, and behaves like the KGB's leftovers, and is reminiscent of the Meyer Lansky Crime Family (Batista's Mafia Gauleiter-Comptroller). Cuba regularly runs intelligence operatives back against the United States through old Mafia family racines. Parker is currently still laundering money under a fraudlent law Office cover, and finesses Communist Chinese Intelligence gang driven monies to himself and to Cuba.

Above said, Mr. Clinton has some explanations due the American people and the Republic of Haiti. Let him explain these personally and other allegations before the US Senate. If President Obama is displeased, he can find many other positive choices for the function.


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