Lost Watch?
(for Continental Can Corporation); once the commendation for service
award of Joseph A. Connolly; and given as were five other watches to his
6 grandsons (this blogger Scott M. Connolly is one); returned today
after a 15+ year absence.
The party returning it, planted it in my West Springfield Massachetts
home (actually my mother Dorothy L.Connolly's home) behind a piece of
furniture for her to find.
Gone was its leather Spidel wristband; and not available was any
explanation of its departure or return. It has had an interesting
history. About 1980-81, while living in Washington DC, it disappeared
from my suburban Maryland apartment; and was used to extort and taunt
Dorothy L. Connolly as the theft of her father's gold watch. The watch
meant was actually not taken (a gold Waltham pocket watch once owned by
Charles A. McCormack.) Dorothy L. Connolly then in 1981 produced the
ELGIN watch as she did today; covering for someone and claiming it had
been left by me in Massachusetts on a visit.
Gone in that first theft was also an old Massachusetts Drivers License -
expired but plead in a vehicle accident or crime in Massachusettts or
Connecticut; and also hushed up; Also taken at that time were several
international relations undergraduate & graduate school notebooks;
which also returned about 6 months later; only, like the watch to be
stolen about 9 years ago.
It was believed that a person affiliated with a foreign intelligence or
the American mafia - including an impersonator of the late Owen F.
Connolly [LtCol USAF Ret] attempted to become a Michael or another Scott
Connolly in the American foreign policy establishment in Washington DC;
concealed by the mafia, foreign intelligence accomplices, or a criminal
political machine.
This last disappearance of the watch made it the prop of a thieving
conniver who routinely impersonated a grandson of Joseph A. Connolly,
using the same watch to present and introduce himself. He was
routinely, sadisticly, injuriously welcomed in Boston, Washington DC and
elsewhere. Aided in passing himself off as the 'real' Scott Connolly
aka Michael Connolly by the 'mob' or communist party or similar; that
party routinely hounded and enlisted his criminal force to damage the
minds and well being of friends, acquaintiances and family of the
genuine person.
Now the watch, one item only of countless unrecovered property
including family and personal records, has returned. Should you on
reading this recollect any human being at anytime wearing the watch or
using it to explain himself, or to represent a family, contact me or the
The impersonator is a professional 25 year domestic criminal or foreign
intelligence penetrant .. trained for subversion or espionage; and
motivated sadistically by extortion.
Thank you.
Scott M. Connolly SCOTTMCON
9 Pilgrim Road
West Springfield, Ma 01089
(413) 788-9142
(413) 330-7064 - cell phone (call or text SMS MMS)
4133307064@tmomail.net (e-mail or text)
Cell Phone 413-313-7625 SMS or call or e-mail
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