Link from State Code of Florida above provides sections of law pertinent to living wills and surrogates or proxy in criticical medical decisions of incompetent or mentally disabled persons. (Click the colored title above or use this link -as in other posts below: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=Ch0765/ch0765.htm
In Terri Schiavo's case (my fact knowledge incomplete) either the husband was surrogate or was intially chosen as 'next of kin' to make the decision; the patient was possibly transferred to a hospice which wouldor could carry out the intentions to end 'life prolinging' - an option permitted under law (ie if a religious or other hospital's procedure would not permit the extinction of life prolonging'.
The law also provides for a guardianship by the courts to make a decision as to a proxy for the decision.
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