Ratko Mladic Crime Against Humanity
Ratko Mladic, a general in the Serbian-Yugoslav Army has been captured. His barbarism is a sharp severe reaction to the ancient days of barbarians when land clearances, slaughter and removals of any conquered people, even by death and extinction, were an acceptable act of war. War without rules except winning, surviving, and continuing one’s species. Perhaps like the school-yard bully, Mladic had some exposure to this kind of un-human action; a severe bullying and complete overpowering somewhere in his life.
Few human beings regard others in our kind of modern human society with no remorse or recourse to the value of human life. For Ratko – people were just in the way, and he had an idea, eugenic, expedient or otherwise of addressing it.
Not exactly a purist, his group always attacked a male factor to stay and replace its genes with their own. Women would be spared to endured siring or a gradual subordinated attrition into the whole population. On that basis, one guesses he would not be self-described as a NAZI purist.
For the alleged ordered murders under his command of 7500?people in the wars over the secessions of Yugoslavia, he’ll join if convicted, the historic non-greats whose conquering path, excessively cheered on, meant killing and plowing peoples under. Erasing their history.
Genocides, clearances, mass homicides. Move one people out and make way for another. War with laws for conduct, and international justice institutions are ridiculed, routinely. Whether it is the derision of rules of la win war in aviation in WW I; the later outlawry of gas and other inhumane arms, or the code of any military man.
If ever experienced, these people will have a smell of death about them. They will have no remorse; only a perverse pride at performing an action expediently, efficiently. That’s not 7 million at once, but still a lot of people to see precisely cold bloodedly murdered, while hand-bound; executed, and buried to hide the crime.
Almost as horrific, is the betrayal of trust and protection due Yugoslav citizens by their own government, at the side of what were thought to be war refugee protecting United Nations forces. Albeit, for Mladic, these Yugoslavs had betrayed His nation, and were never wholly welcomed by his group as equivalent or valued citizens.
Any positive communication from him to re-verify the form of this barbarian for the human race, is the best communication at his trial.
As to obeying orders, that was not a valid defense for executive officers or junior offices for acquittal in WWII or any subsequent war crime. Officers think, and calculate, even if to commit a crime.
Like President Milosevic of Yugoslavia, when the oath to the Constitution were taken , its duty were owed to the least and most ordinary of Yugoslavia’s citizens .. not just a selected type; as much to each as to the whole.
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