Lisa McLeod MacPherson
Lisa McLeod MacPherson was met by this blogger in San Francisco in co-duties at the San Francisco Court House. Our City & County of San Francisco Civil System had advertised for adjudicator/hearing officer/lawyers to adjudicate parking tickets; exactly accountable under a new California anti-corruption law. Our purpose was to relieve the extra work on the County Court bench; and to eliminate the backlog. Lisa and I were selected with about four other qualified.
During that period of temporary appointment, Ms. MacPherson appeared to share her duties with a flat chested timid near illiterate look-alike who appeared at the Court House with her. (Lisa McLeod MacPherson was otherwise about 5’6” and large breasted a blonde & literate). When learned, the objection was made to the Court authorities; but her doubledactivity continued. Lisa MacPherson had claimed in irritiation of other civil servants assessed & qualified appointments that she was due a comparable work & employmet assignment or compensation as a settlement of a personnel grievance against the City & County of San Francisco.
Hoping to strengthen her adjudicative co-equal job duties, she asked for the adjudication of all government parking tickets and that was granted to her by our coordinator. In that function, without minded committment to professional duty and good creative administration; and against advice as to the damage and outcome; she adjudicated all the government tickets she could.
In that action, she exposed every US Government; State of California; County & City of San Francisco; & other law enforcement vehicles’ body color; fleet manufacture type & model; VIN number and license plates. On being referenced on that by me, she exclaimed “well that’s what they want & so what! they change the plates around”. The defeat to undercover vehicle fleets and the officers endangerment from criminal surveillance was preventable and an obvious act of incompetence by Ms. MacPherson.
By last information, again, as in the Clinton Administration; she bizarrely expected a new pairing and assignment with a Scott Connolly; in Washington DC. (ie as if paired for a criminal political machine).
As this “lobby” for this type of person (which actually, may not be her in the same form – but a user of the name) is arising again; this matter is published here for public safety.
Please notify the Civil Service Commission of the City & County of San Francisco California for more information; or reference an alert to police authorities.
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