Massachusetts Gay Marriage Not Populalr with All -Rep Stephen Buonoconti
Rep Stephen Buooconti (per news sources today) has announced he would seek a Constituional Amendment to define marriage as 'heterosexual' - this blogger [Scott M Connolly] disagrees and has written to other Western Massachusetts legislators -shared here
It is a sad day today to read the public position of Rep Buonoconti-D-Hampden County, Ma (this blogger's state rep) regarding a matter in which he appears to be a prisoner of his church, rather than a man of conscience and reason. Rep Buonoconti -pandering to his pre-primary campaign for Senator Melconian's seat has announced that he supports a Constitutional amendment which would define a marriage as a 'heterosexual' union. It is hoped that other Western Massachusetts legislators have a betetr use for theirs and the publics time than populsim and can lead on this material secular neutral civil rights issue. No legislator should seek to establish a religion or moral conformity i the name of 'family' nor hetreosexuality. The Amendment is not needed for as the legislator kows their is no imposed condition of homosexuality - -only a volitional and legally safe union - to order a couple's affairs. Let's not cave on this one - but join the Supreme Judicial Court and lead. Broad fair secular protections in a secular institution of 'marriage' are rationale and fundamentally fair - and threaten no one nor the status of heterosexual marriage. The stance is rather like racism . .what would the gentleman do checking in at a hotel? Seek a guaranteed 'no-smoking' room? |
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